Blog, Faith, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts

A True Reflection

Gala praying for Beth

Society bombards us daily with images of perfect, airbrushed, beautiful models on the internet, t.v., and billboards – women that we feel we can’t ever measure up to.  This image is a false one, and not one that God desires for us to reflect. 

My friend Gala praying for me before I speak at Women of the Well meeting

We as women have many roles in our lives – wife, mother, grandmother, writer, speaker, doctor, teacher, construction worker, photographer, police officer, lawyer, etc.  But God’s word is the mirror that we are to look into every day, to discover our true identity – daughter of God.  It is also the mirror we look into that tells us if there is any areas of sin in our lives where we are not living in obedience to God.

Beth sharing at Women of the Well meeting

As we begin to renew our minds daily in the Word of God, we are transformed from “glory to glory.” As we spend time each day in prayer with Jesus, our hearts are softened and changed by His power. God takes out the heart of stone and replaces it with a heart of flesh – a soft, merciful, forgiving heart of love like God has toward us. We become beautiful, inside and out. God is changing us into the image of His Son Jesus!

Me sharing at Women of the Well Bible study Saturday night

At this past Saturday night’s meeting for Women of the Well Bible study, seven women gathered together to enjoy a pot of hot chili with fritos, sour cream, cheese, butter cookies, and pumpkin pie – and to hear this message of hope and encouragement.  I was so blessed to have our daughter Heather there, too!

Beth with mirror for Reflection teaching at Women of the Well

Me with mirror sharing about our true “mirror,”  God’s word. Don’t you love how my mouth is just wide open? LOL





Beth sharing at Gala's Women of the Well meeting



  Me at Women of the Well Bible study – seven precious women attended.


Beth Jones teaching at Gala'sRemember that your true identity is not a size 6, tan, white-teethed, blonde, perfect diva – but a daughter of God who hungers and thirsts for Him passionately, being daily formed into the image of His Son by His power and His Spirit. Each day, gaze into the mirror of God’s word and let Him reveal your true reflection in Christ.




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