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Ultimate Blog Challenge: National Make A Mistake Day

Ultimate Blog Challenge

Ultimate Blog Challenge

Yesterday I joined Paul B. Taubman II’s and Danni Ackerman’s October 2014 Ultimate Blog Challenge. You post 31 blog posts for the month of October to grow your blog, increase traffic, build your list, and give your business a boostI joined it primarily for the discipline of writing each day and to join a blogging community.

You can make connections with amazing people, set examples for your clients, be accountable, and read other interesting blog posts.

It’s free and fun! Want to join too? Just click here.

Each day you receive ideas which you can blog about in your email inbox, so you aren’t at a loss for what to post. One idea today was that it’s National Make a Mistake Day.

Mistake. Its origin is likely from the Old Norse word mistaka, which means to “take in error, miscarry,” or to “misunderstand, misinterpret.”

I thought that was interesting. Miscarry.

Jesus on cross

Jesus on cross

Jesus Christ carried all our shame and guilt at the Cross over 2,000 years ago so that we wouldn’t have to carry around our mistakes. He took it all.

A substitute for our sins so that God would forgive us. When Jesus died, He said, “It is finished,” and breathed His last as Son of God here on earth. His mission complete.

Then He rose again and ascended into Heaven. He’s coming again soon.

Have you accepted what He did for you – carrying your mistakes, your sins, so that you wouldn’t have to? Received Him as Savior?

The woman caught in adultery who was going to  be stoned The Passion movie

The woman caught in adultery who was going to be stoned
The Passion movie

I’ve made so many mistakes in my life.

Done more things wrong than right. Royally messed up. I share about a lot of this in my newest book, Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love.

But Jesus offers such hope. We fall, we get up. He offers us His hand to walk with us. Sometimes we let go, like a toddler child letting go of her parent’s protective hand and running off, carelessly. And she falls on the sidewalk, scrapes her knee and cries. But she’ll be okay.

Each morning offers a fresh plate of God’s mercy.  I’m thankful for His mercy and grace to me.

As our daughter Leah told me recently when a friend questioned if I should write this new book because it might hurt my daughter to know about my past (she already knew; I’ve been very open and transparent with my husband and our children about my past), “Everyone makes mistakes, mom.”

I think it’s a good thing to have a National Make a Mistake Day. Because we all do. Let’s offer each other that sweet grace. 

Only Jesus was perfect. He offers His perfection to us when we receive Him as Lord and Savior. His perfection in exchange for our sins.

Redemption. Salvation. Deliverance. Freedom. God glorified. Jesus magnified. Our hearts satisfied, in solely Him.

Despite our mistakes, God loves us so much. Unconditionally. Even with the mess of our lives we create, and the mess we are sometimes.

 He knows and loves you and me through and through, because He made us. And He carries us…until the day we come home. 

Faith, prayer, Website news

My laptop is toast!

Beth Jones

When I came back from my Canada trip, my laptop wasn’t working. I took it to the Best Buy geek squad (where I bought it), and I’m going to need a new one. It would actually be cheaper to buy a brand new one than to pay for the labor and the part to fix my laptop. It may be several weeks before I can buy a new one.

For now, my blog series on the Canada trip is being put on hold, as well as my two ebooks that I’d planned to finish this month! I plan to continue the Canada trip blog series when I get another laptop. It seems God often is teaching me patience and that HIS timing is different from my own!

I am typing this post on our daughter Leah’s computer and because I don’t want to hold her computer hostage for long periods of time, I won’t be able to blog consistently until I’m able to buy the new laptop. Please don’t feel I am neglecting you or just being a lazy blogger! 🙂 I do hope you understand.

Hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with your loved ones. We celebrated ours early this Sunday. Ray, Heather and Eden all have different work schedules, so we had to find a day where everyone was off work the same day. We combined it with Leah’s 18th birthday. I can’t believe our youngest child is EIGHTEEN!!! After we ate, we went to Cherry Berry yogurt place for her special treat.

As you sit and enjoy the Thanksgiving feast this holiday, remember all of God’s goodness to you…and pray for others’ needs, helping them practically as you can.

I will let you know when I get the new laptop and will post here as I can!

“Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.” – Thomas Goodwin