Book signing and Phoenix women’s conference

Here are pictures of my first book signing and of the conference at the Norma Washington Motivational Ministries’ conference in Phoenix, Arizona on January 22-23, 2010. In the second picture, I am standing with Norma Washington and Michelle Weston, the on-fire-for-God speakers at the conference. I spoke at a workshop on prayer at the Saturday morning session.

It was an incredible conference; I met some wonderful, beautiful ladies and had so much fun! Phoenix was gorgeous with the palm trees and the mountains, which you can see in the view from my hotel room deck. I came back excited and refreshed, and made some new friends. Thank you, Jesus!


  • Reply Linda Brown, CHBS April 2, 2015 at 9:02 am

    I totally enjoyed have Beth as a guest on Your Blueprint for LiFE. Her passion to seek the heart of God for His people is evident in every word spoken. The message presented confirmed many things that had been placed on my heart. Beth’s ability to be transparent set the tone for anyone who seeks healing in any area of their lives to find it. I look forward to having her back for more.

    • Reply Beth Jones April 2, 2015 at 12:00 pm

      Linda, it was an honor and pleasure to be on your show. I am so glad God brought our paths together. Many blessings to you and your ministry!

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