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5 tips to stay motivated to achieve this year’s dreams and goals


There are 156 days left until December 31, 2021 (22 weeks and 2 days). How are you doing on reaching your dreams and goals? What is stopping or hindering you?

Here are 5 tips to help you stay motivated for the rest of this year to achieve success.

Spend quiet time with God first thing. Whether that is the morning when you first wake up (perhaps with your coffee), during your lunch break, on a walk or run, or late at night before you go to sleep, take time to be alone with Jesus, praying, reading the Bible, and worship/praise so you can get His instructions and wisdom for you and those you love.

What is God’s priority for you today? Ask Him and then do that! Get quiet and intently listen to His still, small voice. Let Him be your GPS and your motivator for your life and to help you succeed in your dreams and goals. 

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Blog, Business, Coaching, Faith, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

Conquer the 3 P’s mini-training (procrastination, perfectionism, and other pitfalls)

I’m not a procrastinator, but I have family members who are. Drives me crazy! 

However, I do struggle with perfectionism. I call perfectionism “procrastination dressed up in high heels.” Both are usually rooted in fear. Fear of being “good enough” or “perfect enough.” No one is perfect but Jesus!

There’s another “P” word. Pitfalls. What are these? Things like scrolling on social media too much, busyness, laziness, cleaning the house, organizing, errands to run, or anything that serves as a distraction to stop you from doing what God has called and anointed you to do and to be.

There’s nothing wrong or sinful about these things. But they can sabotage your success and mine.

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Blog, Business, Ebooks, Faith, Podcast, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

The key of consistency for success

dog and woman running on beach. Image source: Leon Liu, Unsplash

dog and woman running on beach. Image source: Leon Liu, Unsplash

Do you struggle with consistency in your life and in your business? I do, too. It’s not easy to be consistent, whether you’re trying to work out and/or lose weight, eat healthy and not sugar or carbs, keep showing up on social media, build closer relationships, manage your finances well,  have quiet devotional time daily, or whatever it is that you desire.

It’s important to have consistency in our work and in our character. Consistency makes you and me more reliable and trustworthy—and to achieve what we really want and need.

Aren’t you glad that God is consistent every day? Malachi 3:6, NKJV, says, “For I am the LORD: I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” God doesn’t change! 

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