Have you ever had a dream come true, that you hadn’t even dreamed? That’s how I felt when I went on a cruise to the Bahamas to be the keynote speaker at Tony Robinson’s Women of Destiny Conference.
I loved getting to know Tony, her Well Watered Woman team, and the women attending the conference. The Bahamas are breath-takingly beautiful. This cruise was such a blessing. God is amazing, and I just give Him all the praise!
But how did I get there? Why did God choose and send me?
When I was 18 years old, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Do you remember the children’s toy made by Wham-O called Slip N’ Slide? Throughout my 20’s, I did some major backsliding, having all kind of worldly “fun,” slippin’ and slidin’ far away from God! I had to hit rock bottom before I realized how much I needed Him, emotional healing, deliverance, and salvation.
Shortly after I married Ray, when I was 32 years old, I rededicated my life to Jesus and was baptized again. I surrendered my life to Him. Self had ruled the throne of my heart long enough, and it was time to let the King of Kings take His rightful place in my heart.
Over the next several years, I grew spiritually through prayer, studying the Bible, worship, discipleship, and connecting with other believers. I began discovering and using my spiritual gifts. Ray, I, and our oldest daughter Heather began taking mission trips. God then put a desire in my heart to travel all around the world, both for short-term missions work and for pleasure. He gave me Isaiah 61 as my life chapter/scripture and Isaiah 6:8, NIV:
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Several years ago, I had prayed that scripture, asking God to send me wherever He wanted for His glory. God heard that prayer. I had never specifically asked God to go to the Bahamas. I certainly didn’t want to go on a cruise; I was scared! But when Tony Robinson asked me to speak there, I talked to Ray about it first and he immediately thought I should do it. Then I prayed and God spoke to my heart to go.
I said YES to God, even though I was afraid. Because of that obedience, I was incredibly blessed.
Are you willing to be used by God, to say, “Here I am, Lord, send me”? Are you ready to be blessed by Him? Learn more in my newest ebook, Bahama Mama: When God Uses Ordinary Women For His Extraordinary Purposes. Just click here.