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Fearless: Be Set Free From Fear telecall

fear is a prison

Do you struggle with fear, anxiety, worry, and/or stress? You are not alone. I’ve battled fear and its tentacles my entire life, and many other people do, too.

The world is a scary, dangerous , and unpredictable place today. Fear of not having enough money for the future, fear of terrorism, fear of people you love dying or becoming seriously ill, and fear of corruption of government officials are the top fears for Americans, according to the Chapman University Survey of American Fears.  

Other fears people commonly share are:

  • fear of public speaking;
  • fear of the dark;
  • fear of snakes;
  • fear of spiders;
  • fear of closed in spaces;
  • fear of heights;
  • fear of flying;
  • fear of death;
  •  and even fear of clowns! Whatever your fear is, it can be paralyzing.

Fear can bind and stop you from achieving God’s purpose in your life. Fear is a prison.

God doesn’t want you afraid, but to trust Him through faith in Jesus Christ.  Jesus often rebuked His disciples for being afraid and not having faith. I don’t want Jesus rebuking me, but to commend me for my great faith. What about you?

The way we conquer fear is by renewing our minds through God’s eternal word, prayer, worship, and involvement in a community of believers to help our faith grow.

Need to be encouraged and strengthened through hope and faith in God’s word?

I want to invite you to join me on my free telecall on Saturday, January 28 at 10 a.m. Central Time.

Fearless telecall

Fearless telecall

Fearless: Be Set Free From Fear

Here’s the details:
  • Call into my Free Conference Call line at  Free Conference Call
     Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4800
     Participant Access Code: 401886#
  • The call will be approximately 30 minutes long from 10 AM Central Time (11 AM Eastern Time, and 8 AM Pacific Time).
  • I will conclude the call with praying for attendees, for God to replace your fear with faith in Jesus Christ. Together we can defeat the enemy of fear so that we can walk confidently and victoriously in our God-designed purpose and calling.
  • Toward the end of this telecall, I’ll share an opportunity for you to buy my newest book, Metamorphosis: Transformed From Fear to Faith, available as an eBook for Kindle at Amazon. You’re under no obligation to buy the book, but it may greatly encourage you or someone you love or know.
  • Join other women of God for a time of empowerment. I saw this picture below on Pinterest today, and I felt it was a timely word with the launch of my new eBook on Amazon. “With brave wings she flies.” Ready to fly, beautiful butterfly?

with brave wings she flies

 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”–Romans 12:2, NASB
I can’t wait to see you there! Please like and share on your fave social media sites with your family, friends, and peers!


Blog, Faith, Marriage, Parenting, prayer

Labor Day: When the bough breaks

I don’t know why Labor Day was created, but my life also sometimes feels like labor–the continual, agonizing pains of childbirth:

  • financial challenges
  • marriage problems
  • our grown kids’ struggles
  • disappointments
  • stress upon stress, until I feel like I’m going to break.

Maybe breaking is what God is after in me. 





The breaking reminds me for some reason of the children’s nursery rhyme and lullaby, Rock-a-by, Baby:

baby in tree top -

baby in tree top

Part of the lyrics say:

Rock-a-by, baby, on the tree top

When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.

And when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,

Down will come baby, cradle and all. 

What a strange nursery rhyme! 

Why would a baby be on top of a tree?

Why does the cradle rock gently when the wind blows?

Why doesn’t it come crashing down right away?



There are various theories to explain the origins of this lullaby.

One suggests it narrates a mother rocking a baby to sleep like the baby is riding on the treetops during a breeze. Then when she lowers the baby to the crib, the song says, “Down will come baby.”

Another theory says it may have been written by an English immigrant observing native American women rocking their babies in birch-bark cradles, suspended from the branches of trees and allowing the wind to rock the baby to sleep. But the words appeared in print first in England, c. 1765.

A third theory is that the baby is the son of James VII and II, widely believed to be someone’s child smuggled into the birthing room to provide a Roman Catholic heir for James. The wind may be the Protestant “wind” or force blowing from the Netherlands, bringing his nephew and son-in-law William of Orange. He deposed King James II in the revolution. The cradle is the House of Stuart. Some nursery rhymes are political in origin.

At any rate, the wind blows…sometimes too hard, and then it all comes smashing down. 

What then?

Only that instead of “laboring” and striving in our own strength, rest in God.

Trust Him.

Lay your burdens and stress at His feet and let Him take care of it all…and cradle you.

What Your Heart Needs for the Hard Days Holley Gerth

What Your Heart Needs for the Hard Days
Holley Gerth

I love what Holley Gerth wrote in her little devotional book, What Your Heart Needs for the Hard Days, pp. 26-27:

“When the day seems difficult, when you’re weary, when you feel like a failure…God is encouraging you. For so long I thought of him as standing by and shaking his head as he wondered, “Why can’t you get it all together?” But that’s not his heart toward us at all. To encourage literally means “to give courage,” and that’s what God wants to do for us on the hard days. He says to us, “I’m here. I will help you. I will give you strength to take one more step.” He looks at your life with infinite love and tenderness. And he knows how hard it is to be us sometimes. He lived in this world. He experienced pain. He died on a cross. Jesus understands how brutal this world can be...What if, on the days when it’s hard for you to get out of bed, you imagined him reaching out to lift you up instead of being disappointed in you? What if he’s cheering you as you take your first step into a day that’s not one you want to face? What if instead of saying, “Get it together,” he’s whispering, “Let’s do this together”? That changes everything. And it can change us.”





Blog, Business, Ebooks, Faith, Marriage, Parenting, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Writing


Recently I got a new, part-time job to help our family get out of debt faster. Finance guru Dave Ramsey says 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, the average student loan is $29,400, and 90% of Americans buy things they can’t afford.

I don’t want to be a slave to the lender the rest of my life; how about you? This new job is for a specific purpose: to help set our family free! I pray that I can persevere to the finish line.

woman in hammock

woman in hammock

My job is physical labor which is a big change from the work I typically do as a speaker and author. I’m not used to standing on my feet all day long, constantly moving, and using all these muscles (non-muscles?).

By the time I get home from work, I’m a puddle and just want to lay down…preferably in a hammock at the beach! I’m totally exhausted!

my new lunchbox & Nikes

my new lunchbox & Nikes

I try to get as much rest as possible the night before I work; I wake up at 5:45 a.m. to get ready for the day and have my “coffee with God” time–eat an egg, make my coffee, get dressed, pray, read the Bible, and journal.

Then I take my “work stuff” with me to work, to be there by 8 a.m.:

  • Uniform–a t-shirt with the company logo, blue jean capris, white ankle socks, my new Nikes for standing on my feet all day, and an apron;
  • my lunch box which I pack the night before, usually a salad, and my water bottle (Americans spend almost $3,000 on midday meals each year, with men outspending women by 60%. Taking your lunch to work saves a LOT of money and is often healthier! I usually take a salad.);
  • my toothbrush and Tom’s toothpaste (yes, I brush my teeth after lunch!);
  • my journal to write notes about the job from my trainer, Chantal;
  • my purse with my iPhone for emergencies. We’re not allowed to use our phones during work hours, but I keep it nearby as I’m a little addicted to it! For some reason it brings me comfort just being in my pocket! I’m not alone in my addiction; one in five people check their cell phones every 10 minutes!

I have a 90-day probationary period at this job. For the last week, my trainer Chantal was on vacation in Chicago, so that was sort of the “litmus test” to see if I could do the job alone.

trust God

It was hectic and stressful (this place is always busy!). But I had great help from the previous owner’s wife and the current owner’s wife, which I was very thankful for, and I made it solo through the week! I think I passed the test with a few mistakes, but we learn from our mistakes, right? (Hopefully!)

I’m still speaking and writing when I’m not at work, and in fact today I was sharing about writing books with two of my co-workers (they started asking me questions about it).

Beth Jones Speaker/Author

Beth Jones

Right now I’m writing a new, non-fiction book about writing, and will keep you posted on the deets!

Meanwhile, please keep me in prayer about this new job. My desire is to do it as unto the Lord, with excellence.

You can check out my newest fiction book by clicking here at Amazon, Afflicted: A woman missionary kidnapped by terrorists in Africa.