Golden Hues “Autumn brings cooler days Effusing fiery golden hues.” ~ Copyright 2012 Joseph May I have a new addiction this fall: pumpkin spice cappuccino. Between that and Sonic grape slushes, I’m not doing a very good job of conquering…
It is Sunday morning and I had my coffee and creamer, and will get ready for church soon. I feel conflicted about how this week has gone: I had my book signing at The Carpenter’s Cup bookstore, was able to…
I don’t know why Labor Day was created, but my life also sometimes feels like labor–the continual, agonizing pains of childbirth: financial challenges marriage problems our grown kids’ struggles disappointments stress upon stress, until I feel like I’m going to…
This morning I was going to the dollar store and heard the beautiful song by Hillary Song, Thy Will, on K-Love radio station. The instruments are just incredible. It struck me because right now I’m going through some emotional storms: My…
Right now there’s a lot going on in our family: marriage conflicts for us and our middle daughter and her husband; all of our family’s financial problems; Ray’s daily back, knee and joint pain, but still having to work to…
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