How is your relationship with God?
Does God hear your prayers?
Or do you feel like God is on vacation somewhere, too busy to talk to you – or maybe that He’s mad at you?
God loves you and just wants to be with you! He hears your prayers and wants to give you the desires of your heart.
No time to pray!
Maybe you think you don’t have enough time to pray.
You’re a busy wife and mom (or husband/father). You don’t see how you can possibly fit one more thing on your to-do list today.
The Good News
You don’t have to pray for hours every day. This eBook will show you how to grow closer to God, despite your hectic schedule.
With six bite-sized chapters, this eBook on prayer is petite and powerful. It will give you the tools you need to pull away alone with God daily to be refilled and refreshed, and will give you answers to questions you’ve been asking about God and prayer.
What benefit will you get from buying this eBook?
You will learn about these topics and more:
- What is prayer?
- Does God hear your prayers?
- Why does it feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling?
- Does Jesus still heal and do miracles today?
- How do you fast and pray?
- Powerful true stories of how God answered prayer
- Practical tips for developing a daily quiet time when you’re a busy wife and mom.
Want to know more?
Click on the links below to get a preview of this eBook:
What People Are Saying About This Book:
Beth, I am so thankful for your new book. Thanks for making it so easy to pull away from the world and grab time with God. No longer do we have to feel like a failure. We can walk with God!
Thanks again,
Cindy Rushton ~ Speaker/Author/Entrepreneur
Tuscumbia, AL
Beth, I enjoyed your book Walking With God. I am sure your book will bless many and feel it would make a great study for young (or old!), Christian moms.
Felice Gerwitz
Author, Publisher: Media Angels, Inc.
Beth, I just got your book Walking With God, and I love it. I have 2 children, I work full time, and I have a special needs child. I see a strong need in women my age in the community needing encouragement and support. God has been laying it on my heart to start a Bible study. When I read your book Walking With God, I was so excited. It is exactly what I have been looking for!
Staci A. Stephens-Morris, Rich Hill, MO
Beth, it was so nice meeting you on the plane yesterday. Thank you so much for the book…I love it! Walking With God reminds me that I need to spend that one on one daily, quiet time with God to listen. I love the way you emphasize intimacy and describe having a relationship with God in this way…it is perfect! You have a true gift.
Dr. Sivi Helsel, D.C., and Isagenix wellness consultant
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Beth Jones, International Speaker/Amazon Best Seller Author