Share Your Message: Next Step Coaching

For aspiring speakers and authors…

Do you want to begin speaking publicly?

Or write (or finish writing) and publish your book on Amazon?

Share your heart’s message (or story) with others to encourage, inspire, and give them hope?

But you aren’t sure where to begin—or what to do next?

Does the “techie” stuff scare you because you don’t know how to do it? I get it! (It used to scare me!)

Beth M. Jones, International Speaker, Author, & Coach
Beth M. Jones, International Speaker, Author, & Coach

I’d love to help you get to where you want to be. 

Let me ease your anxiety, fears, and confusion about:

  • exactly WHAT TO DO;
  • how to get UNSTUCK;
  • and help you MOVE FORWARD for speaking and writing SUCCESS!
Beth Jones speaking, Kenya, Africa
Beth Jones speaking, Kenya, Africa

As an International Speaker and Author (of 30 books and still writing!), I’ve learned a LOT along the way.

Made so many mistakes–what NOT to do, but also found out what WORKS!

In 2018, I sold 7,700 copies of my book on prayer, Walking With God, to a Christian subscription box organization. My books went across America to people. With the profit of that sale, I was able to travel to Ireland with our precious daughter Leah for a week! It is breathtakingly beautiful and we had such an amazing, fun time, driving all over Ireland!

My precious beautiful daughter Leah & me at the Cliffs of Moher. A lady offered to take our pic together.
My precious daughter Leah & me at Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Writing and speaking often go hand in hand. (Although not always.)

International Speaker Beth Jones
Beth Jones speaking in Manitoba, Canada

I’ve traveled in the USA and to other nations to speak – Canada, Haiti, Africa, and in the Bahamas!

And I’ve traveled even more places just for pleasure because I love traveling and having fun!

Traveling INSPIRES MY WRITING. (Also, Jesus, my family, my cats, good food, nature, music, & art!)

I’ve developed a “formula” for writing book after book that I now use with each one. 

Beth Jones' book signing
Beth Jones’ book signing

For years, I’ve coached women to help them:

  • write their first book;
  •  speak at their first public speaking event;
  • and/or record their first video for YouTube.
Dr. Stephanie M. Carter
Dr. Stephanie M. Carter, Author, Speaker, Coach

Dr. Stephanie M. Carter (Author, Coach, Speaker, Minister) is just one example of an amazing client who I have worked with before to help her write her first book and to begin speaking publicly.

It’s been so exciting to watch my clients like Stephanie take off like a rocket and helping them to fulfil God’s purpose and calling for their lives as speakers, authors, and coaches!

To conquer fear and walk in faith and obedience, sharing their hearts’ messages and their powerful stories.

I can do this with you, too!

Introducing Beth M. Jones’ new program…

Share Your Message

Your Next Step Coaching

for Aspiring Speakers and Authors

woman runner
It’s time to run your race and fulfill your calling!

What you get when you sign up:

  • One hour personal coaching session with me on Zoom;
  • Recording replay of our Zoom coaching session, emailed to you within 24 hours;
  • Free eBook copy of my book, How To Write Your Book Fast: Making Your Writing Dreams Come True;
  • A recommended tool that I’ve used for years that has helped me to write my books quickly and easily, and that will help you, too (This set me free to start writing books!);
  • A list of the resources I use each time to write my books (editing, formatting the book interior, and the graphic design of cover);
  • Help you with questions on how to upload your book manuscript to Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)/Amazon for you to publish it;
  • My best marketing/sales tips after publication. (Hint: It doesn’t start when the book is published!);
  • Tips on how to start publicly speaking;
  • A powerful resource to help you with your speaking ministry/business;
  • The #1 thing to help you succeed at speaking, sharing your story or message.

Are you called by God to speak and write?

Beth M. Jones speaking
Beth M. Jones speaking

I take my gifts and my calling as a speaker and an author (a messenger for the Lord!) very seriously, and I believe you should, too. It’s important to obey God. 

You and I don’t want to go to the grave with our gifts, our purpose, and our message(s) still buried inside of you and me!

You have a unique voice and message. Someone (likely many people!) needs to hear it. It’s time!

“This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you.” (Jeremiah 30:2, NIV)

“The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!”  Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth!” (Jeremiah 1:7-9, NLT)

Ready to get started? Just sign up below. Only $250       $100

After payment, you’ll receive an email from me with further instructions. (Be sure to include your best email address when paying and signing up.)

We’ll set up a convenient time for you and me to meet and chat about YOUR NEXT STEP FOR SUCCESS!

I can’t wait to work with you and help you to begin speaking and/or writing and publishing your book! (Or to do both, speaking and writing! They usually go hand in hand!)