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My new website theme

“She refused to be bored chiefly because she wasn’t boring.” ~ Zelda Fitzgerald, The Collected Writings

I don’t like being bored and seek to live a happy, fulfilling, productive, and spiritually fruitful life. This includes my speaking/writing business.

About once or twice a year, I become restless and want to change my website theme. A theme is the way your website looks. Think of it like clothes on a person’s body, the way you are dressed.

woman in bonjour shirt

Some people enjoy dressing up, like you’re going out for a night on the town. Other women, like me, are more comfortable in blue jean jackets and boots (I’m also a flip flop beach kind of girl). Whatever your preference, you have your own taste. So it is with websites.

Me, at Canterybury Hills vineyard with Ray in Jefferson City, MO

Me, in my blue jean jacket at Canterybury Hills vineyard with Ray in Jefferson City, MO

Last night I changed my WordPress website theme. It is called The Lucy Lou by AngieMakes. You can find out more by clicking here: Shop Angie Makes WordPress Themes!

I’ve tried to simplify my website for easier navigation for you. I removed a lot of the widgets from the right sidebar because I felt it looked too cluttered and was distracting.

I also removed some of the child pages from the menu at the top for the same reason. My speaking page, for example, has all the links you need on it to find out more about my speaking at women’s conferences and events.

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author

Beth Jones, speaking at Aglow in Olathe, KS

Want to get to know me better or to find out more about my online business? You can find out more on my About page. I included a link on that page with my family pictures.

You can read my newest blog posts by either clicking on the heading Blog at the top of the page, or one of the 3 most recent blog post links on the right sidebar. (You can also sign up on the right sidebar, to get my new blog posts by email.)

Each blog post also has buttons to share the content on your favorite social media sites.

Be sure to visit my store here with my latest books or products.

The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes Amazon Best Seller

The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes
Amazon Best Seller

Want to stay connected? You can get my video, You Weren’t Created To Fit In, But To Stand Out, by signing up on my personal mailing list for my bi-monthly ezine.

You’ll get encouraging Scriptures, quotes, videos, and new updates about my upcoming speaking engagements and new books. As a subscriber, you’ll be the first to hear the news! Just sign up at the top of the page on the right-hand side. 

Are you an event planner or know someone who needs a speaker for their women’s conference or event? Or do you want to get in touch with me for any reason? Contact me here.

Dear friend, I’m so thankful that you are here. I appreciate you stopping by my website and my prayer and mission are to encourage you to become all that God created you to be, fulfilling your great purpose and using your gifts for Him.

You can connect with me on Facebook here and follow me on Twitter here.

I’d love to know what you think of the new theme! Just leave your comments below.


This blog post contains an affiliate link. This means I may make a little money if you click on the link and buy the product or service. I only recommend products or services that I’ve used or highly recommend. You don’t have to use my affiliate link, but I’d appreciate it so much if you would to help me bring in extra income for my family. I also donate 10% of my earnings to missions organizations. You can read my affiliate disclosure here.