Women’s Aglow Pics

This year I had the privilege of speaking again at Women’s Aglow in Grandview, MO.  Women’s Aglow is part of Aglow International, a trans-denominational organization of Christian men and women, established in 172 nations on six continents. Men and women meet each month through local Aglow chapters.

Aglow workers, through prayer and evangelism, offer practical gifts of clothing, food, housecleaning,  babysitting, and mentoring young people. They impact their communities by reaching out to people in prison, senior homes, inner city neighborhoods, and mental institutions; to single moms, working men and women, all beginning with the next door neighbor.

My friends Kay Roe, Rhonda Skivers, Suzy Bunton, Terrie Ramsey, Marcheta DeVries, and others have been involved with Women’s Aglow for years, and love it. Several years ago I was invited to speak at the local chapter and then again in August of this year. Here’s a couple of pics from my time there.

South Kansas City Women’s Aglow President Kay Roe speaking

Kay is awesome! Don’t you love the cute table decorations?

Me with my Uganda, Africa missionary friend Alma Jones  – for now, she’s back in the states)

My friend Lynn Erwin – we went out after the meeting to eat at Applebee’s for some “girl time”

If you are not involved in a home or local Bible study, I encourage you to consider Aglow. They teach the balanced Word of God and they believe in and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Usually light snacks are served.  You will make new friends, network, enjoy God’s sweet presence through worship, and be fed His good word. You can share your prayer requests there and they will be faithful to pray for you. They also have annual conferences and other events that you will enjoy.