5 Tips for Creating Your Successful Online Biz

Do you want to start an online business, but aren’t sure where to start?

Would you like to have a profitable home business, doing what you love and helping others?

Do you desire to be a woman of influence, impacting others’ lives through your unique gifts?

Then you need… 

5 Tips For Creating Your Successful Online Biz

Woman entrepreneur at laptop

Thursday, July 11 @ 11 a.m. Central Time

Butler Public Library, Butler, MO

100 W. Atkinson, Butler, MO

Beth Jones, Half Moon Cay, Bahamas
Beth Jones, Half Moon Cay, Bahamas

Who am I, and why should you listen to me?

Hi, I’m Beth Jones, International Speaker, Author, and Life Coach.

I live in the small, rural town of Butler, MO (year 2000 population estimate was 4,209), with my husband of 20 years, paramedic Ray Jones, and our youngest beautiful daughter Leah.

On the picture to the left, I’m standing on the island of Half Moon Cay in the exotic, beautiful Bahamas.

How did I get there? Through the vehicle of my online business!

I was contacted by my Facebook friend, Tony Robinson, and invited to speak at her women’s conference cruise to the Bahamas last year! And that is just one of the places I’ve been.

In fact, most of my speaking engagements and coaching clients come from Facebook, Twitter, or because someone found my website at www.BethJones.net. And when I speak at women’s conferences, I sell my books, which means more money.

MOST of my business profits comes from being online! I’m doing what I love, using my gifts for God ~ you can, too!

Maybe you don’t want to be a speaker. Maybe you’re an author, coach, consultant, website designer, virtual assistant, or have some other business idea.

Whatever you want to do, you have big dreams in your heart.

And if you’re a woman, then NOW IS THE TIME.

Forbes Magazine says that 2013 is the year of the women entrepreneur.

“In 2007 there were 7.8 million women-owned businesses in the United States, generating $1.2 trillion in revenues, up from 5.4 million in 1997. While there’s no official data on just how the recession has impacted these numbers (2012 numbers will be released in 2014), experts anticipate they will continue to grow as unemployment has increased entrepreneurship nationwide and women in particular look for more attractive alternatives to climbing the corporate ladder.” (10 Real Reasons Why 2013 Will Be The Year of the Woman Entrepreneur, Meghan Casserly, Forbes Staff, http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2013/02/12/10-real-reasons-why-2013-will-be-the-year-of-the-woman-entrepreneur/)

Entrepreneurship is a vehicle for job creation, the potential is untapped, and social media and search engine optimization are the key, Casserly writes.

The time is ripe for your online business to launch.

Have you always wanted to have a successful online business, but don’t know what to do or feel afraid?

Do you need someone to help you get started with the basics?

Then this one hour, local workshop is for YOU!

In this workshop, you’ll get:

  • Valuable, solid content, not fluff or filler – 5 Tips for Creating Your Successful Online Biz;
  • Handouts with the resources you need to get started TODAY;
  • A 30-minute, one-on-one, free coaching call with me to talk about your dreams, goals, and ideas;
  • A chance to make new friends and network with other excited Christian, women, new entrepreneurs.

Ready to get started? Why not bring a friend, too?

Just click on the Paypal button below.

Registration Cost $25


I can’t wait to see you there!

If you have any questions, email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com.