What Are You Afraid Of?
What’s Holding You Back?
It’s Time to Push Past Fear – and
Fearlessly Forward Virtual Workshop
Saturday, November 5, 11 a.m. CST
Beth Jones
Fear holds so many of us back from our God-given purpose, our big dreams. As modern women, we like to think of ourselves as capable, confident, carefree – and in control. Yet beneath the “I’ve (mostly) got it all together” exterior, fear lurks in our hearts:
Fear that we’re not a good mom or a good wife, or a good enough one.
Fear that we’ll fail at our business.
Fear that we’re a terrible writer or speaker or coach – or whatever we pour our hearts into each day to help others and serve God.
Fear of criticism
Fear we can’t measure up – that we’re not “enough”
Fear over money issues
Fear of losing it all
Fear of disappointing God, ourselves, or others
Fear of rejection
Fear of making a mistake
Fear of success
Fear of the unknown.
We want to take that next big leap of faith, but that doubt is in the back of our minds, “What if it flops? What if nobody comes to the Facebook party? What if no one buys my ebook, home study course, audio bundle set, coaching services?”
So we do nothing. We wait for the perfect time to launch our product or event. We stand on the sidelines and watch others as they propel forward, experiencing God’s blessings, joyful they are living their purpose and passion – and we envy, we feel jealous, we covet. We wish we were that glamorous, gutsy girl. Then we go back, discouraged and feeling guilty, to what is familiar – and safe.
Yet in your heart, passion burns – and you know you were born TO RUN – and RUN FAST!
Do you relate? Have you been there? Me, too! Join me for an online workshop that will get you past your fears, out of the “gate” waiting and moving “Fearlessly Forward.” It’s time to push past your fears and do what you’re called by God to do!
When you are living out your purpose, here’s what you get:
- You’ll have more self-confidence
- You’ll feel happier and more secure
- You’ll be making an eternal difference in the lives of others
- You’ll please God and bring a smile to His face
- You won’t be just spinning your wheels, confused,
wondering what to do or why things aren’t working - You’ll be living authentically without a mask, living your passion,
doing what you love - You’ll be an ordinary woman used in an extraordinary way by God.
Run like Secretariat!
The movie Secretariat was about the American Thoroughbred racehorse who in 1973 became the first U.S. Triple Crown champion in 25 years, setting new race records in two of the three events in the Series—the Kentucky Derby, and the Belmont Stakes—records that still stand today.
In the movie the horse’s owner, Penny Chenery, said, “This is not about going back. This is about life being ahead of you and you run at it! Because you never know how far you can run unless you run.”
It’s time for you to run! No more holding back!
No more fear keeping you from your great destiny!
No more waiting! There’s no time to waste!

What’s this workshop like, anyway?
Approximately one hour on Talkshoe. All you do is call in.
Make new friends and network in the chat room. Share your fears and find out that you’re not alone…find encouragement and solutions! And have fun!
Q &A time after the workshop. Ask me anything or share your “aha’s,” struggles, and/or insights with your peers.
MP3 workshop replay and bonus gifts just for attending!
Have you ever been held captive? It may have been physical or maybe it’s emotional. Whatever the captivity, you need to hear Beth Jones. I learned how to be set free by drawing closer to the Lord all the time. You can, also. Be sure not to miss a class by Beth. She is being used by God to share and help you.
Nancy Lewis www.nancy-lewis-com