Thank you so much for buying my 5 for $5 webinar bundle set! God’s powerful anointing was on these women who passionately seek Him. They were incredible, and I was so blessed listening to them – and we had a lot of fun working together. I pray they blessed and encouraged you.
You don’t need any special equipment with this purchase. You will need RealPlayer to view the webinars. The free download for RealPlayer is here at this link.
You’ll be getting an email from me with your download links for your bonus goodies. Just right-click on the link and save to your computer to read or listen to later at your convenience.
I would love to get feedback from you about these webinars – what you enjoyed, what you think could be improved, and your own creative ideas for future webinars. What topics interest you? What needs do you have? What webinar subject would you love to attend?
I am here to serve you and I’m planning more webinars on a variety of topics with different speakers in 2011, and am so excited about it! You can email me your comments, questions, or ideas at
Thank you again for purchasing my set. It’s my prayer that you will be blessed to overflowing from them.