Welcome to Fearlessly Forward Virtual Workshop Membership!

Your spot is now reserved for the Fearlessly Forward Virtual Workshop on Saturday, November 5, at 11 a.m. Central Time (12 p.m. EDT). I am so excited that you will be joining me and the other women who will be part of this exciting event! This workshop is based on the story of and the movie Secretariat, who was the first racehorse to win the U.S. Triple Crown in 25 years and who had no fear in running as fast as possible!

I want to encourage and exhort you to be like Secretariat, who was created by God to RUN! No more holding back in fear or intimidation! No more waiting for that perfect time to use your spiritual gifts, to work on that relationship, to build and succeed in your business! No more staying on the sidelines, watching everyone else be happy and succeed, while you feel envious, jealous, guilty, left out! It’s YOUR time! It’s time to RUN!

Because this is a paid membership, please do not share the email you’ll be receiving from me with your private conference line number. Be sure to add my email elizabethdjones@gmail.com to your contacts list so it will not go into your spam folder.

If you have any questions at all, please email me or contact me on my Facebook business page at https:www.facebook.com/BethJones.net.

I can’t wait to see you there! You are going to meet some great women of God, make new friends, learn, and have fun!