Welcome to Beth Jones’ personal mailing list. I am so glad to have you joining me here at Tablet Of My Heart, and look forward to getting to know you and being friends. 🙂
My mission here is to encourage and empower you to fulfill your great purpose through daily intimacy with Jesus and through pursuing your passions. God has an incredible destiny for your life – a specific purpose that only YOU can fulfill!
There is no one else like you on earth with your unique talents, personality, intelligence, interests, spiritual gifts, and passions, who can complete the assignment God has for you to do here for HIS glory. I pray this weekly ezine, my blog, and my products and events will bless and equip you for your great life purpose.
You will get your first email from me soon in your email’s inbox. Please be sure to confirm your subscription to Tablet Of My Heart ezine by clicking on the Aweber link in your email. You will then be sent my welcome email with your complimentary gifts from me: the downloadable mp3 audio, the audio’s transcription, and your special report.
Be sure to add my email address to your contacts list so that you continue to receive the Tablet Of My Heart ezine at least twice a month. Your ezine includes complimentary gifts such as articles, audios, videos, tips, and new product and event announcements…gifts that no one else gets!
Please pass on the word about my website and my mailing list ezine, so all your family and friends can be encouraged with God’s word, too.
Want to connect with me on Facebook? Just click on this link, and be sure to “like” the page – and let me know yours, so I can “like” yours, too! www.facebook.com/BethJones.net.
You can follow me on Twitter: @bethmjones
Want to be sure to read my most recent blog posts here? You can subscribe by RSS for your blog’s feed reader (just click on the little orange button at the top of the page on the right hand side). Or you can subscribe by email to have my newest blog posts sent to your email inbox for your convenience. (The email subscription to my blogs JUST has my newest blog posts, and is not the same as my ezine that you get twice a month with gifts!)
Thank you for stopping by today and have a beautiful day! If you have any questions, comments, or prayer requests, email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com.
PS: Want to check out my newest product? I just finished writing The Hands Of A Woman: Everyday Women In Everyday Battles at https://womensbattles.com. This ebook includes 8 women’s powerful, inspiring stories of their greatest spiritual battles such as divorce, child sexual and physical abuse, a spouse with a drug addiction, depression, panic attacks, domestic violence, newborn babies with defects, and much more. These women got through these difficult times through faith in Christ. You can have this victory, too! Only $20! Just click here to learn more.