It’s been a crazy year. An “off” year. If you’re like me, the goals you set in December 2019 for the year 2020 went straight out the window with the Coronavirus pandemic, world-wide lockdowns, riots, the USA election, and much more ~ besides our usual crazy-hectic lives!
Yet God is still on the throne and in control, and His Kingdom still goes on. God’s Holy Spirit is still moving powerfully on the earth and at work. What about you?
Are you fulfilling the Divine purpose and assignment here that God ordained for you even from when you were in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5)
Are you using the spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities that God has so generously put inside of you?
Or have you been sitting on the couch, drinking your morning cup of coffee, and worrying about someone you love getting the virus? As someone recently challenged me, “How’s that working for you? Or for those you love? And are you going to do that the rest of this year?!”
It’s time to use your gifts to their fullest potential for His glory and to help and bless others. In fact, as a friend recently prophesied to me, it’s past time because time is so short now.
Use Your Spiritual Gifts Package
Did you miss my “Use Your Gifts” Virtual Training on Zoom in September 2020?
Once a week on Saturday mornings, I met with other women of God over coffee (or their fave hot or cold drink) to teach on the spiritual gifts from Lester Sumrall’s book, The Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit, and on one’s purpose and calling from Krista Dunk’s book, Step Up and Take Your Place: How To Discover and Live Your Every Day Calling.

It was amazing and these women enjoyed the class and are hungry to learn more. In my 4-week, virtual training, the students received:
- a recording replay of each 30-minute class for 4 weeks (some classes went longer than the half hour!);
- two bonus videos, on The Counterfeit Spiritual Gifts and Your Dream Killers;
- a free copy of my book on prayer, Walking With God, or another Kindle eBook of their choice from my Amazon Author Page (or they can choose a future book of mine, although I don’t know yet what the topic(s) will be!);
- an additional Zoom meeting for me to pray personally over them, for God to use their spiritual gifts more powerfully and for their lives, family, and business and/or ministry.
You don’t have to miss out!
I am now making this virtual training available for sale just for you, in one convenient package!
Learn what the spiritual gifts are, how they are to properly function in the Body of Christ and in the market place, how to discover your calling and purpose from God, and much more!
You receive ALL the above goodies, to view at your leisure. And when you purchase this product, you can make an appointment for me to pray (on Zoom, Google Hangout, or Skype) over you, your purpose, gifts, family, and biz/ministry!
Ready to learn more and dig deeper about the spiritual gifts, your purpose and Divine mission from God?
Just click on the Paypal link below!
This class was originally almost $50. You can get all 4 weeks, plus the bonuses, for just $15!
I pray this package is SUCH a blessing to you! I will contact you about our private Zoom session meeting for me to pray personally over you, after your purchase.
Thank you so much and may God use you in powerful ways for HIS glory and to bless others!

International Speaker & Author