Here’s some of my fave things that you might like. I only recommend products and services that I’ve tried and/or believe are excellent.
Mailchimp. I love Mail Chimp for my newsletters. It’s easy to use and fun. Their cute monkey who says funny things when you first log in always makes me laugh and brightens my day. I’ve found Mailchimp to be very dependable in sending out my bi-monthly ezine. (Just sign up with your name and email address at the top of the page on the right-hand side.)
WordPress. I can’t say enough good things about WordPress. It’s easy to learn and use, SEO friendly, it saves you money from having to hire a designer to make changes to your website, it integrates easily with social media, you can schedule posts any time you want, and it’s fun. I LOVE it! Get a professionally designed WordPress site for your online business – you’ll never look back!

Sheila Wray Gregoire. Sheila is a Christian professional speaker, author, wife and mom. She’s anointed, she’s transparent, and she’s funny. She offers excellent training for speakers who want to go to the next level.

Rochelle Valasek, Speaker/Author/Coach.
Rochelle aka “Shelley” is a precious friend of mine, and also my speaking coach/biz mentor, prayer and accountability partner, and has God the Father’s huge heart of love. She also has a doTerra Essential oils business to help you with physical and emotional health and wellness. She will inspire and encourage you to seek God’s face and to fulfill your God-given purpose, to step out and take your place in speaking and writing.
Classervices.Excellent professional speakers’ and writers’ training. I had the privilege of meeting the legendary speaker Florence Littauer, her daughter Marita, and their amazing staff. This was the first speakers’ and writers’ conference I ever attended…finally I had met people who were like me and “got” me! Speakers and writers march to the tune of a different drummer! I highly recommend Classervices’ training conferences. I learned so much, was so encourgaed, and met wonderful people there.
Christian Women Speakers. Marnie is a wonderful person and very knowledgeable and successful in business. She offers lots of practical resources for speakers and authors. Her site gets 5 million hits a year, so it’s a good place for potential speaking engagements.
Toastmasters International. Excellent training ground for new speakers to polish their skills and to get used to speaking in front of people. In Toastmasters, I won two awards my first year, including first place in the Humorous Speech contest. You can earn certifications and awards, and organizations contact Toastmasters for speakers they need at events.
Author Media. I just found this website from a successful author I admire, and I’m already in love with it.
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. A tells-it-like-it-is book. Anne shares how writing is even more rewarding than publication. Addresses the letdowns of publication, writer’s block, & writer’s envy.
Writing Past Dark : Envy, Fear, Distraction and Other Dilemmas in the Writer’s Life. One of the best books I’ve ever read on writing. Real, raw, excellent writing.
Publish Your E-book in 7 Simple Steps. I haven’t tried everything Mary says in this article (I’ve never used Smashwords and I use Heritage Press instead of Believers Press), but Mary is a very successful writer with 14 books under her belt, so she’s worth listening to. This article contains everything you need in one place to get started in self-publishing. (Mary’s site was the inspiration for this “My Fave Things” page, in fact!)

Jo Ann Fore, Speaker/Author/Coach. Jo Ann has been influential in encouraging me to write from the heart to continue my healing journey. She writes powerful articles, blog posts, and books. Be sure to check out her site for inspiration and hope.
Jeff Goins. Jeff gives excellent writing tips. He built an audience of 100,000 in 18 months. Peruse his site for bursts of creativity.
Copyblogger.Excellent writing and tips for writing content and marketing. One of Copyblogger’s strength in writing is shock value. It is not mediocre, boring writing. I find many of the blog posts amusing, but always learn something new.
Darren was the first person online to inspire me to do videos. One of the first ones I saw, he was talking about working at home and blogging, and I believe his baby was in the background playing as he videoed. I was greatly drawn in and intrigued by Darren’s Australian accent, his furry eyebrows and black, square glasses and amusing facial expressions, and his very practical advice and easy-going manner. He is one of the best writers I’ve ever read – his writing is strong.
Vervante. Have you always dreamed of holding your own book in your hands? Vervante helped to make my dream come true. Professional, POD Company. The best part is that they’ll print just one book if that’s all you need – or 100’s, shipped fast. I used Vervante for printing my book The Hands of a Woman: Everyday Women In Everyday Battles.

That You Would Prosper As Your Soul Prospers: Affirmations of God’s Blessings for Christian Women Entrepeneurs. My journey on having an online business and success tips (what to do and what not to do!), gleaned from interviews of successful Christian female entrepreneurs. God wants you to succeed and prosper in your online business – to become so blessed that you will be a blessing to others!
Doreen Penner Speaker/Author/Coach. Doreen is my precious friend in Canada, and also a business peer. She is brilliant. She is one of the most professional, polished speakers I’ve ever seen, has much godly wisdom, and has a compassionate heart of love. Doreen will help you to uncover the business God placed in your heart with her Heart Insight Coaching program.
Heather Denney Wildtree products. Our oldest daughter Heather recently introduced me to the Wildtree healthy meal products that are free of preservatives, additives, MSG, and food colorants and dyes. As a single working mom, she wants to prepare meals that are healthy for her two girls that don’t take long to cook. My husband Ray is very happy to now have delicious meals on the table and I am very happy that I don’t have to stand over a hot stove, cooking for hours. This week I have been trying the crock pot bundle meals and it’s a big hit with our entire family. Please consider using our daughter Heather’s link. You will love Wildtree!
Mom Webs website hosting.I’ve been using Mom Webs since I started my online business. Their customer service and support is excellent. They are efficient, fast, and a source of peace for me about my website.Mom Webs.
Heritage Press Publications. This is the wonderful POD (Print On Demand) self-publishing company I used for my newest book, Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love. This is the POD company I recommend for speakers, writers, and coaches, and the one I plan to continue using to print my books. I loved working with my awesome formatter/editor Hanne Moon. She listens carefully to what you want, is professional, and is efficient. Hanne is awesome!
Christine Dupre’, Graphic Designer. Christine is a truly gifted graphic artist. She designed the incredible front cover, back cover and spine for my new book, Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love.I plan to hire her to design more books in the years ahead! She’s amazing!
Skype. You can use Skype to save long distance charges for calling family, friends, business peers, or clients. I love Skype because I can talk hands-free using my Logitech headset, able to surf the net, type in the Skype chat box, or check Facebook while chatting. You can also use your web cam for video conferencing and set up your own private group on Skype.
FreeConferenceCall. I use FreeConferenceCall for my individual coaching and group coaching calls. You can record the calls to have a downloadable mp3 recording replay for your clients. It’s easy and free – love it!
Vista Print. I order from Vista Print to get quality business cards fast (that don’t cost a fortune!). You can upload your picture or logo for your cards and can use the valuable real estate on the back of the card for a step above the usual biz card – like enticing people to sign up at your website for a free gift or offer a product or service for sale. Vista Print also has tshirts, pens, cups, tote bags and more products to sell at your website or for your live events.
Website and Info Products
Paypal – Your Secure Online Financial Transactions place. I’ve been using Paypal two years for receiving and sending money online. Paypal is free, except for the processing fees. Paypal makes it easy for creating your online “store.” To learn more, click on the graphic below.
Some of these are affiliate links, and some aren’t. Of course, you can google these websites and if you decide these products or services are a good fit for you, you can purchase them without using my affiliate link. But I’d really appreciate it if you would! 🙂 You can read my Affiliate Disclosure here.
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