3 P’s in a Pod: Prayer, Purpose, Passion webinar bundle (module 1)

Did you miss my first ever, live webinar, 3 P’s in a Pod: Prayer, Purpose, Passion?  Would you like to have a copy? Here is what you missed!

Want to have a closer relationship with God in just  a few minutes a day? Do you have a consistent, daily quiet time with God?  What are some practical steps to make it work?  Do you have to pray a  certain way for your prayers to be heard by God?

Are you fulfilling God’s great purpose for your life? Do you know what God has called you to do and to be and what your purpose is?  How do you find out? 

What are your spiritual gifts and talents?  Are you using them for God and to make a real difference in the lives of others? Are you fulfilling your destiny in Christ?

Are you living a boring, mediocre life – or are you pursuing your passion and being fulfilled?

These questions and more will be answered at this webinar.  You will be encouraged, refreshed, and empowered to  fulfill your great destiny.

After your purchase with PayPal, you’ll be taken to a welcome page where you fill out your name and email address, and then to the  download page to immediately access the recording.

You’ll get the unedited, live webinar recording right away (the audio and visual, power point presentation) just as it happened in real time. No waiting! No shipping costs!

You’ll also receive these complimentary gifts with your purchase:

  • Finding Your Purpose article
  • Pursuing Your Passion article
  • Well-Driven Nails mp3 audio
  • Walking With God ebook


Beth, your webinar was INCREDIBLE! So powerful, so passionate, so inspiring. It’s especially inspiring because you live exactly as you taught today – dreaming for God, chasing those dreams, and living to the fullest for Him. I’m so in awe of you! What an honor to witness your first webinar – there will be many more to come!

Kimberly Ehlers, Christian Speaker and Writer

Ready to get a copy of  this webinar of your own today? Plus, you’ll receive the complimentary gifts.

 The cost is just $9.97.  I typically pay $25 or more for seminars that I attend, and the ebook alone is worth $10.99.