It’s Not Impossible For God Webinar

Have you ever dreamed an impossible, God-sized dream?

Are you dreaming one now?

What’s stopping you from having it come true?

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author presents

It’s Not Impossible For God! Webinar

Letting Your Faith Turn the Key

To Doors of Amazing Opportunity

Your faith is the key to your impossible dream!

“Kamante: ‘I think you had better get up. I think that God is coming.’” – Out of Africa, Isak Dinesen, Modern Library, September 5, 1992

For years I’ve dreamed of going to Africa. Dreams in my heart. Dreams at night when I slept, which were so real that it was like I was really there.

It felt like an impossible dream!

But your biggest dream is not impossible for God!

This year I was asked by pastor Rose Mudenyo of Kenya, East Africa, to speak at her women’s conference in December 2013. Pastor Rose found me by the hand of God and the power of the internet!

After praying about it and talking with my husband Ray, I sensed that God wanted me to do this and begin preparing in prayer. One huge obstacle: Ray and I didn’t have the money to travel there – but God did!

On December 10, 2013, Ray and I just got back from speaking at Pastor Patrick and Rose Mudenyo’s church, Revival Praise and Worship, in Bungoma, East Africa, for a 3-day conference.

In this webinar, I”ll share with you some of the powerful and exciting things God did while we were there and will encourage you how YOUR faith can unlock doors to amazing opportunities! 

Beth Jones, speaking in Kenya, Africa
Beth Jones, speaking in Kenya, Africa
Pastor Patrick Mudenyo translating for me

There are no limits with God!

God made my dream come true and He can make yours come true, too…so Dream BIG because He is a big God! He is the one who puts those impossible dreams inside your heart.

Kenya Mountains
Kenya Mountains

Here’s what you’ll get when you sign up for the webinar:

  • Exciting unique content; the webinar will be approximately 1/2 an hour with time after for Q & A and connecting;
  • Replay of the webinar if you can’t attend the live event – but you don’t want to miss it!
  • 5 Tips for going smoothly into 2014 and having an abundantly blessed, spiritually fruitful year;
  • A first-hand, never-shared-before account of the amazing things God did there in Kenya, Africa with pictures;
  • Bonus Dream BIG audio mp3;
  • VIP pass to my next Dream BIG! virtual event at no cost to you!

For Ray and me to travel across the world, I set up a GoFundMe Donations page, which I’m still promoting for awhile, as this trip was very expensive.

Most of the costs for this trip came out of Ray’s and my pockets. I’ll be sharing that page link at the end of the webinar. To help offset extra expenses, I’m charging for this webinar – but at a low Christmas savings cost to you!

Just $10!

To save your seat NOW, just click on the Paypal button below. 

You’ll need to confirm your subscription to the webinar event list by email. 

Be sure to bring your cinnamon eggnog or your fave beverage and sprinkled Christmas cookies, chocolate or whatever you enjoy! Let’s have FUN and glorify JESUS!

If you have any questions, email me at I can’t wait to share my story with you on December 21 at 7 p.m. Central Time!

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” Ephesians 3:20-21, The Message

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author

Beth Jones
International Speaker/Author

Beth Jones,