I am an International Speaker and the Author of 25 books. I love speaking and writing to encourage others to use their gifts for God’s glory, to fulfill their purpose, and to live a life they love. The first book that I ever wrote and published is called Walking With God. It is a short but powerful book about the basics of prayer. It has been my best-selling, most successful book that I’ve written.
Your life is busy, hectic, and stressful, with a long to-do list every day. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done. You know that you need to pray, but when do you fit it in?
There’s an even better reason than Christian duty to pray…it’s because God just wants to be with you and me. Daily intimacy with Him.
Join speaker/author/coach Beth Jones as she shares how God loves to spend time with you, His child, to reveal His deep, unconditional love for you.
In this book, you’ll read powerful testimonies of answered prayers, and how God wants to answer your prayers, too. You’ll discover what to do when your prayers seemed delayed. You will learn the key to fulfilling your destiny and your great purpose in God.
Jesus is holding out His hand to you right now with a personal invitation. The door to Intimacy with Him is wide open. Will you enter in?
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(Great for a small Bible study group or to just bless your family, friends, or others.)
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I pray this book, Walking With God, blesses and encourages you to develop a closer relationship with God each day.
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Have a blessed day or night!