Share Your Story Webinar

You have a story.

A unique and powerful story like no one else’s.

It’s time…to take that first scary step….and share it with the world.

Beth Jones’ Webinar

Share Your Story:

Using your gifts to share your heart-burning message.

February 14, 2014 @ 2 p.m. Central Time


“But your message burns in my heart and bones,
and I cannot keep silent.” ~ Jeremiah 20:7-9, CEV

Have you been wanting to:

  • Publicly speak?
  • Write an article or book?
  • Start a blog?
  • Create videos?
  • Host a radio show?
  • Teach a virtual or offline class?
  • Mentor someone?
  • Help the homeless?
  • Be a volunteer at a pro-life pregnancy center?

Whatever the tool, you feel a “nudge from God” to start telling your story…but you’re scared.

You aren’t even sure how to get started. This webinar can help!

Whether you are a speaker or writer, you love making videos, you want to be on the radio, you draw art or design graphic art, you’re a coach, you make hand-stamped jewelry, or you’re a homeschooling mom, you know deep inside that God is wanting you to share your story to practically help, encourage and empower others.

Thanks to God and technology, you and I now have the ability to share our story on a GLOBAL PLATFORM, potentially reaching 1000’s or even millions of people as we’ve never had an opportunity to do so before! All for Jesus’ GLORY!

I have audiences, clients, readers, subscribers, followers, and fans from the following places:

  • All across the U.S.
  • Canada
  • Kenya and Rwanda, Africa
  • Australia
  • United Kingdom
  • Philippines
  • India
  • Mexico
  • and more!

And God isn’t finished with me yet! I believe my BEST years are ahead!

You can have this, too. You’ve been hiding and holding back long enough.

It’s time to use your voice.

It’s time to write your book.

It’s time to create those videos.

It’s time to spread your message to help others. To become a person of influence and impact. To glorify Jesus! No more fear! No more excuses! 2014 is the year to share your story!

What you’ll take away from this webinar:

  • A bite-sized, 30 minute webinar to encourage and spur you on (“Iron sharpens iron.” – Proverbs 27:17)
  • You’ll learn why sharing your story matters
  • 3 tips for conquering fear and intimidation
  • 3 tools to get you started speaking
  • 3 resources for jumpstarting writing your book
  • My 3 video-making secrets.

You’ll leave ON FIRE to share your story – either locally in your community or, if you’re like me and have BIG DREAMS, all over the world!

Ready to get started today? Just sign up below with your name and email address for this free webinar!

After you sign up, you’ll need to confirm your subscription to the mailing list by email. Be sure to add my email address to your contacts. Can’t make the live event? There willl be a replay for one week after the webinar!

Save your spot! Sign up below with your name & email address!

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I can’t wait to see you there in the chat room! If you have any questions, email me at [caption id="attachment_15573" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author Beth Jones
International Speaker/Author[/caption]

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author/Coach