Showers of Blessings

Attention Christian Female Entrepreneurs…

Do you want to have God’s blessings and favor in your life and business?

Do you want to experience the abundant life Jesus promised?

Would you like to be soĀ blessed you become a BLESSING?

International Speaker/Amazon Best Seller Author Beth Jones’ new eBook

Showers of Blessings:

Affirmations for

Christian Women Entrepreneurs

Showers of Blessings eBook
Some of us cringe when we hear the word “prosperity” because of prosperity teachings.

But many of God’s most faithful servants in the Bible were very wealthy, like:

  • Abraham
  • Queen Esther
  • King David
  • Solomon
  • and the women disciples of Jesus who gave their wealth.


God doesn’t hate money. Money isn’t bad, evil, or wrong.

Money is simply a tool in this world. An important tool!

Finances are justĀ ONE aspect of prosperity.

God wants you to be abundantly BLESSEDĀ in ALL areas of your life!

God doesn’t want you miserable, unhealthy, and flat broke!

In this eBook you’ll discover what GOD and successful Christian women

say about money and success.
Jesus talked about money and riches more than any other topic in the Bible.
He wants you to prosper in ALL areas of your life, more than you can even imagine.

Ā Not to spend it on new toys, but for God’s purpose and glory!

He wants to bless you so much that you become a blessing to others!

What Others Are Saying About This eBook:
ā€œI loved the honesty and truth in Bethā€™s book. She tackles tough questions business women have about making money. She writes with frankness and challenges women to inspect their own thoughts about wealth and prosperity. The reflection questions allow you to dig deep into your heart, while searching the biblical truths of Scripture. What impressed me most was the continual underlying thread: God is first, everything else is second. If you are seeking to grow a profitable business, getting honest about your thoughts around wealth is essential. Bethā€™s book will help you get clear what God has to say about prosperity.”

Doreen Penner
Doreen Penner
Speaker, Author, and Coach for Women Solo-Professionals




“Beth’s ebook, That You Would Prosper As Your Soul Prospers, stirred me in my own areas of struggle I have in believing for my business to prosper financially. The questions at the end of each chapter challenged me to take a deeper and honest look at some of the mindsets and stumbling blocks I hold in regards to being a business owner and a Christian woman. Can I serve God in my giftings and get paid? Can I believe God is okay with me living beyond “just making it”? Thankfully, this eBook put my concerns to rest and has given me exciting and bold beliefs about God’s interest in my business and livelihood!”

Karen Wells
Karen Wells, Speaker, Author, and Coach, M.Div.
Karis Counselling Services




“Prosperity is an issue I struggle with. I hesitate to even ask God for material blessings because compared to most of the world, Iā€™m rich. But as Beth Jones points out in this eBook, God bestowed great riches on many people of the Bible. He didnā€™t just make them ā€œrich by comparison.” They were rich even by American standards. For a small book, Beth covers a lot of ground and shares a tremendous amount of wisdom from her experiences and studies, as well as many other well respected Christian leaders. One of my favorite quotes in the book: ā€œItā€™s also not true that poverty glorifies and pleases God more than wealth. … I donā€™t believe that the God I serve wants people to be poor and suffer from lack. We as parents want to be good to our children. How much more does God want to give us, His children!ā€

Beth Cranford
Beth Cranford, Author and Write Where It Hurts Columnist




This eBook will help you:


  • Learn what GOD’SĀ view of money and success is, moving from poverty thinking to a SUCCESSĀ mindset and learning to joyfully receiveĀ God’s BLESSINGS, without feeling guilty, greedy, or bad about this (Hint: the blessings aren’t always financial);


  • Get successful women’s SECRETSĀ how to SUCCEED in your business–and also what NOT to do, from mistakes they have made;


  • Become BLESSEDĀ with the abundant life Jesus promised in all areas of your life when you apply its practical, wise principles – your relationship with God and others, your health, your finances, your business, your purpose and destiny.


Ā What you get with this eBook:


  • Downloadable eBook for your Kindle at Amazon


  • Prosperity Prayer for Christian Women Entrepreneurs


  • FREE BONUS: BlessingsĀ Planner (downloadable PDF)



    If you’reĀ feeling hopeless, discouraged, and like a hostage to your bills and debt,

    like you’ve stopped living or never started,

    not to mention broke, discouraged, and stressed out,

    I have a solution for you: this eBook.

    You can become so blessed and favored by GodĀ 

    that you become a blessing to others.Ā 

    Just click on the link below to buy the eBook for your Kindle at Amazon.
    After purchase, email me your receipt at for your BONUSES!

    Just $2.99!


    Click here to buy now at Amazon

    You’ll receive your eBook right away at Amazon.
    After purchase, just email me at with
    your receipt for the free bonuses.

    “Can I honestly expect to be happy if I have no hope?
    What impact would it have on my health if I were without hope?
    How prosperous could I become if I had no hope that I could become prosperous?
    How secure would I be in my personal, family and career if I had no hope?”
    – Motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar


    Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author
    Beth Jones, speaking at Aglow in Olathe, KS


    Beth Jones