Beth Jones, VA, specializes in assisting entrepreneurs with the smaller details of their work so they can focus on the bigger picture ones for success.
Experienced, accurate, and professional, Beth offers transcription services for small business owners, from videos, audios, and live events, as well as assisting on webinars and teleseminars and ghost-writing.
Beth can be trusted to respect your privacy and to maintain confidentiality, never sharing information about her clients.
What types of files do you transcribe?
Audios in WAV, WMA, and MP3 format and videos.
What are your rates?
Beth’s transcription rates are based on the expected turnaround time and the number of minutes recorded. Seconds are calculated as a full minute.
Standard rate: 4 day turnaround: $1.50 per minute
24 hours Expedited transcription: $2.50 per minute (This can only be guaranteed with high quality audios.)
Rates are higher if there are more than two persons on the call (3 persons on call: $2.00 per minute-standard; 4 persons-$3.00)
Low quality audios, whether due to transmission quality or language, are transcribed at a higher rate.
Beth will let you know if this is the case after reviewing the audio. A quote will be submitted to you for approval and no work undertaken until you have given consent.
All payments are paid through Paypal.
How is your turnaround time calculated?
The turnaround time is calculated from the time Beth receives the audio and payment. (i.e., within 24 hours from the time Beth receives your audio and payment, she will return a transcript to you if the call is expedited, and no later than 4 days, if it is standard rate.) Beth will notify you by email when she receives your audio.
Beth works with you to meet your schedule’s needs.
Beth will send you a Paypal invoice upon receipt and review of your audio. All invoices are due upon receipt and payment must be completed before work is started.
Assistant on webinars and teleseminars
Need an assistant on webinars and teleseminars to post your important offer’s link, monitor and engage in the chat room, or help you test to make sure the audience can see the video or hear your audio? Beth offers virtual event assistant services for a flat rate of $50 per hour.
Ghost Writing
Need a ghost writer for your blog from someone who loves to write? Beth, Amazon Best Seller Author of 11 books, offers a ghost-writing package of two blogs a week for one month just $50.
How will you bill me?
You can pay your invoice via your Paypal account or any of the credit cards below directly on the Paypal SECURE SITE.
Beth does NOT collect any personal information and you are assured that all information is kept confidential. Beth maintains confidentiality and can be trusted to not share any of her clients’ information.
Contact Beth here today if you are interested in her professional VA services.
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