Attention writers/aspiring authors…
Do you want to…
- Start off 2016 on the right foot (or the right hands, since you’re a writer!)?
- Set new writing goals (with a concrete deadline! Think the Disney Brave movie with the red-haired girl archer Merida hitting the bulls-eye.)
- Be part of a supportive, online writing community to release what’s bubbling inside of your writer’s heart?
Then you’re in the right (write!) place!
Join Speaker/Amazon Best Selling Author Beth Jones and other aspiring authors to make 2016 your best, most productive writing year.
VIP Writers’ Day
January 5, 2016
10 a.m. Central Time (11 a.m. Eastern Time)

“When I say work I only mean writing. Everything else is just odd jobs.”
–Margaret Laurence
“Your very lives are a letter that anyone else can read just by looking at you. Christ himself wrote it–not with ink, but with God’s living spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives–and we publish it.” (2 Corinthians 3:2-3, The Message Bible)
My story
I’ve been writing since I was a child. When I wrote my fiction short stories on loose leaf notebook paper in my bedroom, I’d hide them in my rounded mirror, dresser drawer.

My younger sister Maria would sneak into my room later, read them, and when I found out, we’d fight for her invading my privacy. We’d yell at each other, I’d throw her Barbie doll and she’d scratch me with her long fingernails.

The finish line
Today I’m so honored that Maria wants to read my writing, and she’s one of my biggest fans, cheering me on to reach the writing success finish line.
I love to write. I’ve written 10 books (many of them Amazon Best Sellers) and am now writing five more books. I blog, and write daily in my journal.
Do you love to write, too? When you come right down to it, is it really an obsession? If you’re like me, you can’t NOT write!

You were born to write.
Have you ever gotten so mad and frustrated that nobody would just leave you the heck alone so you can WRITE, for crying out loud?
We writers need to think, to create, “to sit down at a typewriter (or laptop or iPad) and bleed.” (Ernest Hemingway quote)
Write or die. Like air, we need writing to live. Writers must write.

The litmus test of a writer: a duck!
If you’re a real writer at heart, and you’re stranded alone on a deserted island after being the only survivor of a plane crash, and could only choose three things to have with you, one of the things you’d pick was a limitless supply of writing tools!
Yeah, you get it. I get it. We writers are a peculiar breed. A different duck. (Quack, quack! I love ducks!) And you need to be inspired, encouraged, and spurred on to write.
We writers need to write. And we need each other.
It’s fun to write!
This writing stuff is serious business because it’s a calling–but mostly, it’s just plain fun! You have to write because you love to write!
Okay, then, write. Now is the time. Stop hedging, procrastinating, and polishing it until it’s perfect. Forget boring perfect; just write!
You have a unique voice and story that others need to hear. There’s a book (or books) inside you.Your words matter and have impact on others.
Let’s write together in 2016!
I want to offer a refreshing, inviting writers’ nook for you to have the support you need to write in 2016.
If I’m describing you, then join me and other aspiring authors for the…
VIP Writers’ Day
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
10 a.m. Central Time (11 a.m. Eastern Time)
What you get with this virtual VIP writers’ training:
- A call on my private conference phone line. One half-hour writers’ empowerment teaching. Then I open the phone lines so you can share what is on your writer’s heart. We stop when we’re finished! (If you need to leave, that’s fine. The call will be recorded for your downloadable, mp3 replay, emailed within 48 hours.)
- Private Facebook group with other aspiring authors for support and motivation to write your book(s)–or whatever you’re writing. Make new writing friends and network with other authors. (Note: This group closes March 1, 2016.)
- Downloadable PDF to read at your leisure of my personal writing resources that have helped me to write TEN books (many of them Amazon Best Sellers!).
- Weekly “Light a fire under your butt” video writing tips to blast through your excuses, procrastination, and perfectionism that are stopping you from the important work you were meant by God to do–writing.
- A friend to pray for your writing. Prayer changes things. I need that kind of friend; don’t you? We can pray and write together this year!
Just click on the Paypal button below.
After your payment is completed, I’ll send you the important details.
Save your spot! Seating is limited!
Can’t make the live call on January 5, 2016? No worries; it will be recorded. I”ll email you the recording replay within 48 hours of the call.
Be sure to request to be my friend on my personal Facebook page so I can add you to the private VIP writers’ Facebook group for DAILY support and motivation from me and other writers! (This group ends March 1, 2016.)
Click on the Paypal button below to save your seat today!
Just $75 $25!

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Amazon Best Seller Author