RSS and Feed Readers

Are you technology challenged? Have you seen the words “RSS Feed,” or “Feed Reader,” and don’t know what the heck that means?  Do you even need or want a feed reader?

I didn’t know what RSS or RSS feed readers were either, when I first began blogging. But it’s a very fast way of skimming blogs and news, and getting videoes and audios in one convenient place! It doesn’t cost anything. I personally use a Google reader to read my favorite blogs.

Okay, so what is it?  RSS is usually translated as “Really Simple Syndication” or “Rich Site Summary.”  It’s a type of technology that allows people on the internet to get a website’s frequently updated content, through syndication.  In other words, the latest news and updates from your favorite blogs and websites, reading them all in one place.

It saves time. It doesn’t cost any money!  You don’t have to keep surfing the web, trying to find your favorite blogs and websites all over the place, or even going on your Favorites tab.  It’s like having your own personal reading room.

You don’t have to list your email address when subscribing by RSS.  When you want to stop receiving the website’s content, you just unsubscribe.  It’s simple, quick, and free! (The word “subscribe” makes people wonder if you have to pay for it.)

Okay, how do I subscribe to this website, Tablet Of My Heart?

You usually will need to sign up with a feed reader first to subscribe to a blog or website.  In almost no time,  you can begin subscribing to your favorite sites such as this one!

You can get the latest blogs, news, videoes, or audios through feed readers such as Google or Bloglines. Here are the most popular RSS feed readers.

After signing up for a feed reader, then you can subscribe to your favorite websites.  To subscribe to a blog’s or news site’s feed, you find the subscribe button (icon) on the blog site or website.  Most sites have the standard orange button (icon), near the top of their websites. It looks like this (it may be round, or other shapes and colors):


To subscribe to my website’s most recent blogs and podcasts, on the right hand side of this page, you will see a coffee cup with a little orange RSS button on the front of it. You just click on that coffee cup to subscribe. When you click on the cup, you will be taken to a new page, and you can go from there, following the instructions.

Subscribe to Tablet Of My Heart today!

If you haven’t signed up for a feed reader, be sure to sign up today, and then you’ll be able to subscribe to your favorite sites such as Tablet Of My Heart.