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2015 Is a Pivotal Year

Image courtesy of manostphoto at

Image courtesy of manostphoto at

Do you have a Bible verse or “one word” for the new year?

At the end of each year, I take quiet time alone with God to pray about the upcoming year for God’s blessings, protection, and His presence with me and my family. I ask Him for His guidance and direction, and a Bible verse for the year. A couple of years ago, I heard from other entrepreneurs online about getting a “one word” or a “theme” for the year.

When I begin hearing a word or a scripture more than once, I know that God is speaking to me. He often did this in the Bible, to emphasize His point to His [usually willful, stubborn!] people. 

Recently, I began seeing the words “pivot” and “pivotal” frequently,  and I knew God was speaking to my heart. I believe these are my “words” for 2015, and that 2015 is a pivotal year for God’s people. 

The definition of pivot is “the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns.”

The definition of pivotal is “of crucial importance in relation to the success of something else.”

I believe God also gave me the scripture John 20:16, The Message, for 2015:

“Jesus said, “Mary.” Turning to face Him, she said, ‘Rabboni,” meaning “Teacher.”

In 2015, I believe we need to pivot – to turn around and face Jesus, hear His still small voice, and then go and tell others everything He is saying to us. 

I share more about this word pivot/pivotal and this scripture in my video, which you can view by clicking here