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The spiritual warfare when you write a book

Marines in war

Marines in war

Are you writing a book and wondering what in the world is going on? Are you experiencing intense spiritual warfare? Then, welcome to the club!

In today’s scope, I shared that if you want to write a book or have a book idea, I believe it’s usually God who put that inspiration into your heart. Then when you step out to do it, all hell seems to break loose against you! This is because of spiritual warfare.

The Hands of a Woman: Everyday Women in Everyday Battles

The Bible teaches us that Satan is the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) He doesn’t want you writing that book and sharing the message or story God put inside of you, and he’ll do everything he can to hinder or stop it. 

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”–Ephesians 6:12, NKJV

You will experience this spiritual warfare:

  • before you start writing the book. You’ll battle many fears (especially fear of rejection, thinking nobody will like or buy your book, people will hate it, you have nothing important to say, this is stupid, who are you to write a book, etc.), perfectionism, procrastination, etc. Every writer I know struggles with all of this. It’s the enemy resisting you. He doesn’t want you to write a book and will do all he can to try to stop you. Do it anyway, for God’s glory. It’s time to write your book! And if you haven’t started writing your book, there’s still time before 2016 arrives!
  • as you’re writing the book. You’ll encounter many distractions such as social media, chores, errands, people calling you on the phone (I let mine go to voice mail), family crises, laziness, and the perfectionism, procrastination, and lies of the enemy again. Satan will do whatever he can to hinder or stop you from finishing the book. Last week, my former client and friend Stephanie Carter wanted to just delete her book file as she battled thoughts like, “You think you are a writer? You have nothing to say,” etc. Stephanie has many, many books inside of her and I can’t wait to read them! I told her this morning that I’ve felt this way every time I write a book. You just have to rebuke Satan and keep pressing through to victory. If your book wasn’t a threat to him somehow, he wouldn’t mess with you.
  • when you’re launching the book and after launch. My client from last year and friend Dana Arcuri is experiencing intense spiritual warfare right now as she’s launching her third book, more than any other she’s written. I believe that just means God has big plans for the book, satan senses it, and he’s fighting it. God will have his way. You might experience an all-out demonic attack, like I did in the weeks preceding and during the launch of my book, The Hands of a Woman: Everyday Women in Everyday Battles, when I uploaded it recently as an eBook on Amazon for Kindle. Three weeks prior to and during the book launch, I was falsely accused and attacked by some people. I finally realized what was happening. My book’s topic is spiritual warfare, so no surprise! The book is now available for sale in print and on Amazon. God has the final say! Satan can’t stop what God is trying to do. “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”–Isaiah 55:11, ESV

If you are wanting to write or finish a book, and are encountering spiritual warfare, realize that you’re not alone. It’s actually normal! The enemy Satan doesn’t want you to write or publish that book. Keep writing. Don’t stop until you finish.

Keep on your armor each day. Stay in a posture of prayer and study God’s word each day, because the Bible is your greatest weapon against the enemy. (Hebrews 4:12) It is the weapon Jesus used in the wilderness when Satan tempted him. (Matthew 4:1-11) Ask intercessors to pray for you and cover you. (Philippians 1:19; Ephesians 6:18)

The battle belongs to the Lord. (1 Samuel 17:47)  God will help you and you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:37)

Me and my books in print;

Me and my books in print

Blog, Faith

Drinking in fall

Leaf bliss

“Autumn…the year’s last loveliest smile.”– William Cullen Bryant, Indian Summer

This afternoon after my walk at the track, I was going to come home and record a podcast. I may still do that, but I just couldn’t at that moment. I had to go outside. Right now, I am drinking in fall, savoring every moment of looking at the beautiful, glorious, colored leaves, God’s amazing art.

I want to stop winter, stop time, and shout to the world, “Look at how gorgeous this is! Look at what God our Creator has done!” 

Contrast of green, yellow, gold, and red leaves with the blue sky and green grass

Contrast of green, yellow, gold, and red leaves with the blue sky and green grass

There is something about this season I’m wanting to hold onto more than ever. I can’t put my finger on it, but I want to stay in this moment, hug it like a baby and never let go.

I don’t know if it’s a spirit of dread and fear, if something terrible is about to happen, and I just have a sixth sense about it, or if God is just somehow making me somehow acutely aware of how great He is and I just now noticed it in my everyday, scurried, distracted life. 

coffee on back steps

coffee on back steps

I went outside and sat on our back steps, drinking my creamy coffee in my Casey’s brown cup (refills for just 75 cents), and it was like I was completely dehydrated and someone gave me a bucket of cold, artesian spring water. I couldn’t get enough of the glory of God, looking at it all. Pictures can’t convey how gorgeous God’s masterpieces are. 

backyard filled with leaves

backyard filled with leaves

I looked at the pile of brown leaves on the emerald-green grass, and wanted to just go jump in them like I did as a child when our dad made us rake the huge yard. We’d rake awhile, putting the leaves into huge piles that resembled mountains, and then jump in them, screaming with glee. Sometimes daddy would come outside and order us to “stop fooling around,” and get to work again. He grew up as a farmer’s son, and laziness is a cardinal sin to farmers. 

Instead, I walked on the leaves today, delighting in the crunch-crunch sound underneath my short, black boots. (Boots are another fun thing about fall!). 

The contrast of the orange, yellow, red, and green leaves against the blue sky is so vivid. I’m not an artist like our daughter Leah is, but sights like this would awaken the artist in anyone. I had to grab Leah’s Nikon camera and snap some shots. 

blue sky-orange leaves

blue sky-orange leaves


Contrast of green and yellow leaves against blue sky

Contrast of green and yellow leaves against blue sky

Each leaf, like each person, is beautiful and unique.

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.”–Psalm 139:14-16, MSG

Red-yellow leaf

Red-yellow leaf


fall leaves

fall leaves

God’s beautiful collage: fall colored leaves.

God's collage: fall colored leaves

God’s collage: fall colored leaves

I snapped a pic of myself, even though it’s not a very flattering shot. But I was happy! I had just come back from my walk/jog at the track and was in Ray’s olive-green, light-weight jacket. 

Me in fall

Me in fall

Here’s a better “fall” pic of me in my new, soft brown sweater and scarf. Another wonderful thing about autumn!

Beth Jones

Beth Jones

the sun today

the sun today

I’m drinking in fall, savoring each delicious moment. What is your favorite thing about fall? I love the quote below. So true. Today, take time to just sit and revel in the exquisite changes of this season God has so graciously given you and me. Don’t let it pass you by without noticing its beauty, and thanking Him for it.

leaves turning quote

Blog, Business, Ebooks, Faith, Marriage, Parenting, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

The greatest man who ever lived

female hiker

female hiker

“The greater the mission, and the more difficult and time-consuming it is, the deeper our why must be to help us achieve our goal successfully.”–Steven K. Scott, The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived: Secrets for Unparalleled Success and Unshakable Happiness from the Life of Jesus

In today’s scope (you can catch the replay here; follow me on Periscope @bethmjones), I shared about a book I’m re-reading by Steven K. Scott, The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived: Secrets for Unparalleled Success and Unshakable Happiness from the Life of Jesus. My friend Kimberly Weber told me about it and it is excellent.

Jesus thrived in his ministry and was the most successful person there ever was. In the scope, I shared three success tips gleaned from this book:

  1. Jesus was mentored and mentored others.  Jesus took 12 men and women disciples and turned the world upside down. To do that, He had to be very clear on his purpose and mission, and to stay focused. He often withdrew from the crowds to spend time alone with God his Father. The world is a busy, noisy place. We need to be able to get away from that noise, too, and hear God’s still, small voice for wisdom and direction, for God to pour into us so we can pour into others. Are you taking time out every day to pray, read and study God’s word, and worship?
  2. Jesus was consistent in his mission and brand. Jesus knew His identity was the Son of God and the Savior of the world, and walked in His authority and anointing. He used his gifts of preaching, teaching, prophesying, encouraging, healing, doing miracles, casting out demons, and serving wherever He went in the marketplace–not just confined to the walls of the temple. He didn’t change and He wasn’t all over the map. His message stayed consistent during his time here on earth, and it has spread all over the world. Jesus fulfilled His purpose from God. Do you know what your purpose is? Do you know what your spiritual gifts are and are you using them for God? Are you fulfilling your God-designed mission?
  3. Jesus completed His assignment. Jesus’ physical life didn’t last long here on earth, but He fulfilled His mission, which was to advance the Kingdom of God, to set captives free, and to die for our sins so we could have an eternal relationship with God in heaven. He did what He set out to do. He was purposeful and intentional. Are you completing the life assignment, the mission, God has given you? Or are you wasting your life, just floating along, watching Empire, Scandal or reality TV shows, playing Farmville on Facebook, or sleeping your life away? If you don’t know what that mission is, ask God. He will give you liberal wisdom (James 1:5) and show you–and help you to achieve it. 

I highly recommend reading this book, available at Amazon. After a period of no longer believing God existed, Scott encountered Jesus Christ one night and since then, he has drawn on Jesus’ teachings to help create two dozen businesses that have generated billions of dollars in revenue, from the lessons he learned from the “homeless carpenter.”

One important key that Scott points out is that success is about more than money. The book has practical tips for how to achieve success, God’s way. 

Showers of Blessings eBook

You also can learn how to achieve success (and what not to do) from successful Christian female entrepreneurs here