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The Cinderella Story: The Power of Dreams

The Cinderella Story: The Power of Dreams

Do you have a big dream(s) in your heart? What do you need to do to make them happen? First, you have to believe in the power of your dreams. Then you have to take action to accomplish them. With God nothing is impossible. I believe very often, God is the one who puts those dreams in our hearts, when they line up with His word and are His will.

I now have my new book, the second book in The Cinderella Story series called The Cinderella Story: The Power of Dreams, available for pre-ordering. I plan to launch it on January 10, 2016, if not before then, but you can pre-order it right now for just 99 cents, and then get it when it launches!

This is an eBook for your Kindle. You can also get the Kindle app for your laptop or computer, your phone, your iPad, or your Mac to read it. My prayer is to have this book available in print copy next year, but right now you can pre-order the eBook for Kindle at a great price!

The price will be raised for the book launch, so I encourage you to get it right now–and maybe gift a family member, friend, or business peer–while it’s this low price. Just in time for Christmas!

You can find it at Amazon by clicking here:

Blog, Business, Ebooks, Faith, prayer, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

The spiritual warfare when you write a book

Marines in war

Marines in war

Are you writing a book and wondering what in the world is going on? Are you experiencing intense spiritual warfare? Then, welcome to the club!

In today’s scope, I shared that if you want to write a book or have a book idea, I believe it’s usually God who put that inspiration into your heart. Then when you step out to do it, all hell seems to break loose against you! This is because of spiritual warfare.

The Hands of a Woman: Everyday Women in Everyday Battles

The Bible teaches us that Satan is the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) He doesn’t want you writing that book and sharing the message or story God put inside of you, and he’ll do everything he can to hinder or stop it. 

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”–Ephesians 6:12, NKJV

You will experience this spiritual warfare:

  • before you start writing the book. You’ll battle many fears (especially fear of rejection, thinking nobody will like or buy your book, people will hate it, you have nothing important to say, this is stupid, who are you to write a book, etc.), perfectionism, procrastination, etc. Every writer I know struggles with all of this. It’s the enemy resisting you. He doesn’t want you to write a book and will do all he can to try to stop you. Do it anyway, for God’s glory. It’s time to write your book! And if you haven’t started writing your book, there’s still time before 2016 arrives!
  • as you’re writing the book. You’ll encounter many distractions such as social media, chores, errands, people calling you on the phone (I let mine go to voice mail), family crises, laziness, and the perfectionism, procrastination, and lies of the enemy again. Satan will do whatever he can to hinder or stop you from finishing the book. Last week, my former client and friend Stephanie Carter wanted to just delete her book file as she battled thoughts like, “You think you are a writer? You have nothing to say,” etc. Stephanie has many, many books inside of her and I can’t wait to read them! I told her this morning that I’ve felt this way every time I write a book. You just have to rebuke Satan and keep pressing through to victory. If your book wasn’t a threat to him somehow, he wouldn’t mess with you.
  • when you’re launching the book and after launch. My client from last year and friend Dana Arcuri is experiencing intense spiritual warfare right now as she’s launching her third book, more than any other she’s written. I believe that just means God has big plans for the book, satan senses it, and he’s fighting it. God will have his way. You might experience an all-out demonic attack, like I did in the weeks preceding and during the launch of my book, The Hands of a Woman: Everyday Women in Everyday Battles, when I uploaded it recently as an eBook on Amazon for Kindle. Three weeks prior to and during the book launch, I was falsely accused and attacked by some people. I finally realized what was happening. My book’s topic is spiritual warfare, so no surprise! The book is now available for sale in print and on Amazon. God has the final say! Satan can’t stop what God is trying to do. “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”–Isaiah 55:11, ESV

If you are wanting to write or finish a book, and are encountering spiritual warfare, realize that you’re not alone. It’s actually normal! The enemy Satan doesn’t want you to write or publish that book. Keep writing. Don’t stop until you finish.

Keep on your armor each day. Stay in a posture of prayer and study God’s word each day, because the Bible is your greatest weapon against the enemy. (Hebrews 4:12) It is the weapon Jesus used in the wilderness when Satan tempted him. (Matthew 4:1-11) Ask intercessors to pray for you and cover you. (Philippians 1:19; Ephesians 6:18)

The battle belongs to the Lord. (1 Samuel 17:47)  God will help you and you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:37)

Me and my books in print;

Me and my books in print

Blog, Business, Ebooks, Faith, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

The Power of Your Dreams

Woman and horse. Image resource:


Yesterday morning I had a dream that encouraged me that God loves and cares for me. Dreams are powerful—both dreams at night and the dreams in your heart. I shared about “The Power of Dreams” in my Periscope yesterday, which you can view at

I believe many times, God is the one who puts dreams and desires inside our hearts. We know that anything that violates God’s Word and His will is not from Him.

For example, if you’re married and you want that hot woman or man at work, you know that isn’t God’s will, because the Bible says God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16) and one of the 10 commandments is to not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14). 

Your dreams and desires need to align with God’s Word, the Bible. God can even change your desires. Our friends Ron and Rhonda Hedrick with Global Community Outreach are missionaries in Guatamala. God began putting it on their hearts to take in orphans on the street to shelter, feed, and love them

Guatamala missionary Ron Hedrick signing papers for his and Rhonda's house

Guatamala missionary Ron Hedrick signing papers for his and Rhonda’s house

Just yesterday, Rhonda posted a picture of Ron signing paper to buy a house in Guatamala, so they will have a safe, loving place for the children they are bringing into their home. Ron and Rhonda have one naturally-born son, Jeremiah, who is on the mission field with them. When they went to Guatamala, this wasn’t their plan—but it was God’s. 

Guatamala missionary Rhonda Hedrick with the mom and the children she & Ron are taking into their home

Guatamala missionary Rhonda Hedrick with the mom and the children she & Ron are taking into their home

Maybe your dream is to be a published author. I believe if you want to write a book or have thought about it, there is a book inside you. There may be many books inside you!

A study shows that 81% of people say they want to write a book. But many never do. Sadly, they die with their book still inside them. Don’t let this be you! Write your book! (Obviously, I don’t agree with Joseph Epstein’s advice in the New York times article to not write it!)

Myles Monroe

Myles Monroe

The late leader, pastor, and author Myles Monroe, founder of Bahamas Faith Ministries, Myles Monroe International, and president of the International Leadership Training Institute, wrote: 

“The wealthiest places in the world are not gold mines, diamond mines, or banks. The wealthiest place is the cemetery. There lies companies that were never started, masterpieces that were never painted…In the cemetery there is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential. There is treasure within you that must come out. Don’t go to the grave with your treasure still within you.”

woman opening gift with light

Don’t die with your book or your dreams still inside you. Monroe also said, “The poorest man (or woman) in the world is a man (woman) without a dream.”

I see this around me a lot. There are people I know who have given up hope and have no faith. They are depressed and no matter how much you try to encourage them that God has a good plan for their life (Jeremiah 29:11), they still mope around like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh.

Life and the enemy satan have battered them so much, that they just lie down and take whatever happens and no longer fight. They’ve stopped fulfilling their purpose and aren’t using their gifts for God. They’ve stopped dreaming. It breaks my heart and I’m sure it grieves God’s. 

dream big

What is your dream? Are you fulfilling it? 

If you want to write a book, write it! There’s still time this year. (Sign up for my writers’ virtual training, There’s Still Time, for just $25 with 4 videos, a downloadable PDF, and a downloadable checklist to help you write or finish your book THIS year! It all comes conveniently to you in your email inbox. You can do it!)

Maybe your dream isn’t writing a book. Maybe it’s to start speaking to share your heart message. I encourage you to use Periscope to speak. You can download the app on your iPhone or Android phone. It’s an amazing, free platform to build a global audience. (You can follow me on Periscope @bethmjones.)

Periscope #tagtribes leader Mark Shaw on video

Periscope #tagtribes leader Mark Shaw on video

Just pray, prepare a short message with 2 or 3 bullet points written out, and push that red broadcast button to have an instant audience. If you’re nervous about scoping, you can practice first with your phone’s video “selfie” feature or do a private scope with your mom, best friend, or as Periscope guru Mark Shaw (@markshaw) says, your goldfish or dog, lol.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. That’s actually the beauty and attraction of Periscope: it’s real, raw and authentic. Nobody relates to or wants perfect. Just start. 

my surprised face when Mark Shaw showed up on my scope!

my surprised face when Mark Shaw showed up on my scope!

Maybe your dream is to be a coach. Start using private scopes on Periscope to coach for pay. Or use Skype or Free Conference Call for free tools to begin your coaching practice. You don’t need a certification to coach. I don’t have one, and I coach beginner speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs. (Find out more about my coaching here.)

Whatever your dream is, there’s a reason that it’s in your heart. If you have had dreams and the devil has stomped all over them like the people I know in my life, and if you have given up, ask God to restore your dream or give you a new one. 

Jesus often rebuked his disciples for their unbelief. Remember the father in Mark 9:24 said, ‘I believe; help my unbelief!” God knows exactly where you’re at and understands. There’s no condemnation from Him. He wants to help you to have the greatest, most successful, blessed life possible.

That doesn’t always necessarily mean what we think or hope. It’s not always mansions, wealth, and travel to an exotic island. Sometimes God’s best includes hard times and struggles to produce character in us (Romans 5:4), so that we’ll come forth as gold. (Job 23:10) 

I’ve been going through a difficult time the past several weeks. In times like that, it’s good to do self-examination and ask, “What is God trying to teach me through this? What is He wanting to produce in me?” He is the Potter and we are the clay. (Isaiah 64:8)

The potter and the clay

The potter and the clay

Dreams often come from God. Not only Satan but people will oppose your dreams, even the ones closest to you. Remember Joseph in the Bible. He had dreams of being great. In one of his dreams, his brothers’ bundles in the field circled around his bundle and bowed to it. In another, the sun, the moon, and the stars bowed down to him. These dreams angered his brothers and his father rebuked him. But the dreams were from God. 

Joseph’s brothers secretly sold him to a caravan of Ishmaelites after they threw him into a pit. Later Joseph was raised up by Pharoah to be in charge of Egypt, and saved his father and his brothers from starvation in the great famine, bringing them to Egypt to live in abundance.

Dreams are powerful. Dreams matter. Don’t let anyone steal or stomp on your dreams. Keep dreaming big because we serve a big God! Take one action step to fulfill your dream. Paint a picture. Make a piece of jewelry. Write a chapter on your book. Speak on a scope. 

The Cinderella Story: The Power of Dreams eBook cover Copyright 2015 Beth Jones

Copyright 2015 Beth Jones,

I am soon working on the second book in The Cinderella Story series, The Cinderella Story: The Power of Dreams. If you’re not already on my personal mailing list, sign up today at the top of the page on the right hand side so you’ll be first to hear about its release on Amazon.

“Today carve out a quiet interlude in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams can give birth to change.”–Sarah Ban Breathnach