There’s still time! Write your book virtual training

woman with clock

Thank you so much for signing up for my virtual writers’ training, There’s still time! Write your book.

I appreciate your business and pray this virtual training encourages, inspires, and motivates you to write your book! 

You have a story to share that someone needs to hear.

Your words matter and have impact. Write that book!

Just click on the links below to access your virtual training. If you have any questions, email me at

There’s still time! Write your book virtual writers’ training PDF
There’s still time! Write your book virtual training PDF

There’s still time! Write your book virtual writers’ training checklist
There’s still time! Write your book virtual training checklist

Video Training 1: Braindumping and brainstorming inspired, creative ideas

Video Training 2: Butt in Chair: Write your book!–jk

Video Training 3: Marketing Mania: Showing your baby off

Video Training 4: Celebrate your accomplishment!

Beth Jones, International Speaker Amazon Best Seller Author
Beth Jones
International Speaker
Amazon Best Seller Author

If you need a speaker for your women’s conference or event, please contact me at

I love encouraging God’s daughters to walk in their great purpose and use their gifts for His glory.

You can follow me on Twitter and Periscope @bethmjones.

Be sure to check out my Amazon Best Seller books at

May God anoint you to write, finish and publish your book (and/or eBook) for His glory to encourage and inspire others, and abundantly bless the work of your hands.