Blog, Faith, prayer

The gift of women friends

Beth Jones and Heather Denney

Today to celebrate Mother’s Day early, I went with our daughter Heather to her church’s Ladies Tea.Ā  They had an assortment of teas, scones, fruit-covered cookies, little cakes, lemon bars, and finger sandwiches – and it was all delicious!

The speaker from Georgia, Elizabeth, was so anointed, and was very gracious and sweet when I went up afterward to talk to her,Ā telling her how much I’d enjoyed what she had shared. Ā She spokeĀ about friendships between women, based on the story of Mary and Elisabeth in the Bible. Elizabeth used great (and funny)Ā visual aids for this presentation to emphasize her main points:

Our friendship with other women is a beautiful gift from God.Ā  I am so very thankful to God for all my friends; I don’t know what I’d ever do without them! And to my surprise, some of the BEST friends I have ever made are online friends. The internet has opened a world of possibilities for women connecting with like-minded women!

Elizabeth shared that women need the following from each other:

  • Time (she used a gold, antique mantel clock as the visual aid)
  • Comfort (Snuggie)
  • Support (Girdle)
  • Learning from each other (Weddings For Dummies book)
  • Common Ground (Loaf of bread)
  • Celebration of fun, life, each other (a festive hat)
  • Ā 

    Just as Mary and Elisabeth were there for each other, miraculously pregnant with God’s chosen, holy vessels, we too can be there for each other in special moments of life, celebrating with each otherĀ – and to be a comforting shoulder in the hurting, hardĀ times, too.

    Today, think about the women friends God has brought into your life, and be thankful for themĀ – and let them know how much you love them.Ā  If you haven’t seen some of your friends in awhile, make a lunch date and go have some fun – like I did with Heather today, who is not only my daughter, but my PRECIOUS FRIEND!Ā 

    Below is a briefĀ video skit at the Ladies Tea today. Two women portrayed a busy husband and wife, who were trying to schedule time to be alone with each other.Ā  Cute ending that made us women all laugh!

    Below is a brief video of me and our daughter Heather at the Ladies’ Tea. My FLIP recorder lost power at the end, because it needed charging, but you can get a brief glimpse of our table with some of the goodies and the ladies at the tea.



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