When I attended Caterina Rando’s Sought After Speaker Summit in Los Angeles this past year, one of the questions she’d periodically ask the audience to engage us was, “I’m all in. Are you all in?” And we’d all shout back, laughing, “I’M ALL IN!”
What she meant was this: No more excuses for why you can’t get out there in a BIG, BIG WAY and speak. No more procrastination. No more fear. No more intimidation. Use your gift. You have an important message to share, so go!

As 2014 rolls in like snow thunder, and I see women entrepreneurs all over Facebook exclaiming excitedly, “Day 3 of 2014! Groundbreaking!” and “Heading into my first VIP day of 2014 with my clients…breakthroughs and laughs! Love my work!”, I sigh with a little annoyance at their Pollyanna-like enthusiasm, slowly sip my hot, creamy coffee, and ponder things.
Like, what the heck am I supposed to be doing this year? And why am I about as motivated as a snail right now?
Last year my BIG DREAM of traveling to Africa came true. The adrenaline rush (and missed plane flights) is over. Now what?
Blank slate.
I told Ray, our daughters, my sister Maria, and my intercessor team that I pray at the end of every year and usually get a scripture and one word for the coming year, but this year I’m not seeing anything ahead. The picture is blank!
Now that my BIG DREAM came true, what do I do? Is my life over? Is it time for me to go to heaven?
Ray said no, that if that were the case, I would’ve died in Africa ~ and that he gives me until January to come up with something new – and expensive, LOL!
What to do in 2014?
I could go to Allume 2014. I’d love to meet Sarah Mae in person!
I could create my own event like the Released Women’s Conference.
I could go on a hot air balloon ride with our daughter Heather, which is on both our bucket lists.

I could visit my precious friend Shelley in Tennessee. (I have an open invitation anytime from her and a futon in her office waiting just for me!)
I could visit my little sister Maria and family in Georgia. (She just graduated with her master’s degree in psychology and I’m SUPER proud of her! Whoo-hoo!) My sister always makes me laugh!
I could finish writing my book, Promises In The Dark. (Be the first to hear about its release by signing up for my ezine at the top of the page with your name and address!)
I could create more info products to sell to raise money for Pastor Patrick and Rose Mudenyo’s orphans in Africa. (I want to help pastor Patrick get a laptop and the orphans with their school fees!)

The year 2014 offers many possibilities.
It can be whatever you and I make it.
2014 can be your very best year yet…your “chocolate” year!
But whatever 2014 holds in store, the thing I desire the most is to stay close to God and to please and obey Him.
Jesus, I’m All In!
What about you?
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