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You are beautiful

On the way home tonight after babysitting Annabelle and Violet for Heather while she’s away at her church’s annual women’s conference in Springfield, I heard this incredible song by Mercy Me on KLOVE radio station: Beautiful. You may have heard it before, but I have not! Tears filled my eyes as I listened; I loved it!

If you have read any of my writings or heard me speak, you know that I am very passionate about women pursuing their passion, fulfilling their great purpose and destiny in Christ. You, dear friend, are the one God madly loves, enough to send His Son Jesus to die for you!  

Women and teenage girls are bombarded daily by images of “perfect,” air-brushed models on magazines, on the internet, and on t.v.  We compare ourselves to them, and the enemy satan lies to us constantly that we never measure up to this standard of perfection.  Or we compare ourselves to other “perfect” wives, moms, stepmoms, speakers, writers, entrepreneurs, internet gurus, women in ministry, or whoever in our mind is more beautiful, smart, successful,sweet, nice, giving,  sexy, talented, creative, wealthy, gifted, anointed, loved, organized, spontaneous, popular, etc.  No matter who it is that we are looking at, we are left staring into the mirror, feeling less than.  You are more than what is hurting you tonight! To God, you are so beautiful!  This song says it all.

Here are the lyrics to Beautiful by Mercy Me, followed by a great video with the music and lyrics. Enjoy!

by MercyMe
from the album The Generous Mr. Lovewell

Days will come when you don’t have the strength
When all you hear is you’re not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they’d see too much

You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You’re beautiful

And praying that you have the heart to find
Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you’ve held inside so long
And they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You’re beautiful

Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skies above
You’re the one He madly loves enough to die

You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
In His eyes

You’re beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You’re beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His

Video of Beautiful by Mercy Me

Blog, Faith, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Website news

5 tips when YOUR faith is being stretched!

 Woman stretching

I wanted to quickly get out this exciting news out to everyone on my reader, listener, subscriber, and webinar sign-up lists, because the web page is ready now for my fourth upcoming webinar, Seasons Of Stretching: Shaped and Equipped For Your Great Purpose with Jane VanOsdol and Mary Kane of

Jane, Mary, and I are SO excited about this and we can’t wait to see you there. It’s going to be fun, you’re going to learn a lot, and you’re going to walk away encouraged and inspired.

Will this webinar be the same as my last three webinars?  NO!  Each webinar I am doing has a different flavor – it is awesome how God orchestrates things and meets people’s needs and desires in such amazing and personal ways.  Jane and Mary are anointed women of God, who sit daily at Jesus’ feet, and they will have MUCH to impart to you in this particular webinar – you don’t want to miss it!

The link to sign up today is here.

This may be my last webinar this year!

This is possibly my last webinar for this year, as I am flying to Phoenix, Arizona in October to speak, and will be taking a break sometime after that to pray and seek God for more year-end direction and the year 2011’s direction…so please take advantage of this webinar at no charge to you today! Also, there’s no pushy, very annoying “snake oil” selling in these webinars; we are just women of God who love Him and want to encourage you, dear friend, to draw nearer to Him!

I want to leave you with five practical tips when YOUR faith is being tested and stretched.

Call out and stay close to Jesus.  When Peter realized he was sinking in the waves, he didn’t just shrug his shoulders and let himself drown. No, he immediately cried out for help to the Lord.  Acknowledge to God that you’re over your head here and you need Him to deliver you! God is just waiting to give you His love and His strength, and to demonstrate His great power to you and others for His glory!

“I am holding you by your right hand – I, the Lord your God – and I say to you, don’t be afraid; I am here to help you.” (Isaiah 41: 13-14).

Lose your mind! As my friend Norma Washington says in the front of her book Saturday Morning Sisterhood, you need to lose your mind so you can gain the mind of Christ! Renew your mind daily studying God’s eternal word. Get God’s thoughts on the matter and His eternal perspective on the situation.

Beat it —passivity, that is! (to the tune of the late Michael Jackson’s song!)   Get physical! Go for a walk, dance, run, do crunches or leg lifts, jump on the mini-trampoline, put in an exercise tape, join a gym, swim. I am walking now and just starting our daughter Heather’s zumba aerobics class when she is teaching it again in a couple of weeks. Exercise will help you to take loving care of yourself to be fit and healthy, so that you can do and be what God has created you to do and to become!  We can’t fulfill our destiny without our bodies!  When you are in a trial of faith, you’re often under a great deal of stress. Exercise will help you to de-stress and to re-energize.

Ditch the Eeyores and find the Tiggers!  Surround yourself with positive, faith-filled people who will encourage you in your faith and your walk with God,  and who will speak God’s words of life over you and your difficult situation. For those family and friends who are always critical, negative, and pessimistic, with a cloud of gloom over their heads like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh, thank them kindly for their concern – then run the other way from them!  Find friends who will lift you up and give you hope through God’s truth.

Sing, girl! (or boy!). Yeah, right, I can just hear you saying, and rolling your eyes at me! The last thing you feel like doing when your faith is being stretched is singing!  It’s hard to worship and praise God in the middle of a battle, but worship and praise are powerful weapons of warfare!  Let the high praises of God be in your mouth!  (Psalm 149: 5-6)  They will cut down the enemy and bring you to victory through Christ.

These tips will help you when times are tough and your faith is being pushed to its limit. Want to learn more? You will learn effective and powerful prayer strategies in overwhelming times. You will also discover what to do when you are at the crossroads in life, wondering if God can still use you, and find out how to pursue your life’s passion and purpose, at our upcoming webinar, Seasons of Stretching: Shaped and Equipped for Your Great Purpose.You will love Jane VanOsdol and Mary Kane!

Again the link to sign up is

Please email me if you have any comments or questions at  We can’t wait to see you there!

Blog, Faith, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Website news

God and your big dreams

Veggie Tales – Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato

How has your week been?  I have been reading lately, when I’ve been able to have a few spare moments before bedtime, and one great book that I just finished is Me, Myself, and Bob by Phil Vischer, founder of Big Idea Productions (the man who started Veggie Tales). My sweet friend Kimberly Ehlers told me about the book, and as I finally read the last 3 chapters, tears poured down my face.  As I shared with a few family members and friends this week, this book has just demolished me.

In Me, Myself, and Bob, Phil shares the story of the big dream that began in his heart when he was just a young man, to become the “Christian” Walt Disney, to build a new media empire for God – teaching children funny, touching stories using the talking, colorful vegetables (Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and other characters) and using the truth of God’s word…unapologetically including God and His word. Phil wanted to change the world with his big idea.

As Big Idea Productions grew bigger, so did its budget – and its enormous debt.  Veggie Tales sold more than six million Veggie Tales videos in 1998. Between 1996 and 1998, its revenue grew by 3, 300 percent – from $1.3 million to $44 million. Between 1996 to 1998, their marketing department grew from 1 person to 30 people. Big Ideas had grown from an original staff of two creative, enthused college guys to 315 people.

Yet by the time Big Ideas produced its first feature film, Jonah-A Veggie Tales movie, Big Ideas was in serious financial trouble. The company eventually went bankrupt and was auctioned to Classic Media, at $19.6 million in 2003. 

Phil wrote on pages 227-228:

“…I entered adulthood (1) absolutely committed to spending my life to doing things for Christ, and (2) determined  not to be a “parked car.”  I had to get going. I had to get busy. But busy with what?…Eventually, I found a place where my storytelling gifts seemed to line up with a need that was tugging at my heart – a need to express God’s word through popular media. And that would be my work for Christ.”

“That issue resolved, I got busy. I built, and built, and built. Even when I wasn’t building, I was thinking about building, dreaming up the things I would build next. And in the midst of it all, God showed up, blessing my efforts. Great! I thought. Look at all the good I’m doing! But I was just getting started…And so, I got busier. …”

“…And then, in the midst of my great goodness, everything started to go wrong…Good thing I was the good guy, I thought, because the good guy never falls off the cliff. Except that I did. My dream and I fell all the way to bankruptcy court, where a gaggle of lawyers picked through the wreckage, packed up all the good parts, and mailed them to Franklin, Tennessee, leaving me alone, with nothing. Nothing but my old Big Idea office chair, my thoughts, and the God who had watched me bounce down the stairs without raising a finger.”

Nothing left but him and God. Ultimately it’s where we all end up. 🙂 

Phil also quotes an old family friend, pastor Richard Porter:  “If God gives you a dream, and the dream comes to life and God shows up in it, and then the dream dies, it may be that God wants to see what is more important to you – the dream or God.”

What matters more to you – God or your big dream?

Phil also shared from  Henry Blackaby, author of the devotional study Experiencing God, who wrote a book studying the life of Samuel.

“If you start something and it does not seem to go well, consider carefully that God, on purpose, may not be authenticating what you told the people because it did not come from Him, but from your own head.” (p. 239)

This is where I couldn’t stop crying. The thought that I may have been doing many things over the last year (such as writing, speaking, blogging, podcasting, creating information products, writing a bi-monthly ezine, forming relationships through social media), the possibility that these things may not have come from God, but came from myself, was devastating. Only God knows if this is true and that is what I am praying about this week, for clarity and wisdom.

I don’t want to do anything that God doesn’t authenticate or authorize. I don’t want to be like Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu, offering unauthorized fire (Leviticus 10: 1), or to be like the foolish man who built his house on the sand, instead of the Rock of Christ, and when the rain, wind, and floods came, it collapsed and was destroyed. (Matthew 7: 24-29)  Anything apart from Jesus will not bear fruit and won’t last.

As a result of this book, I have taken some time this week to pray and seek God on His will, His purposes, His vision for my life. I am still thinking things through, asking for Him to speak to me clearly. My dear sister Maria said God may have used this book as a warning to me about future success – to not let my dreams become an idol.

 Yes, there are dreams in my heart, big, big dreams!  I don’t want to live a medicore, boring life and want to do great things for God!   I believe God is the one who put those dreams there in my heart, because He’s a big God and has big plans for His glory.  🙂   The Bible says nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)  God is the Dream-Giver and the Dream-Fulfiller.

But I never want my dreams to mean more to me than God does. I only want to please Him and do His will, not my own. (Luke 22: 42) While I desire to do great things for God in this lifetime and to make an eternal, significant mark on the timeline of history, influencing and impacting others’ lives, most of all what I want is an intimate relationship with God. For every part of my life to glorify Jesus Christ.

As Phil writes on page 251, “The impact God has planned for us doesn’t occur when we’re pursuing impact. It occurs when we’re pursuing God.” 

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.”  (Psalm 42: 1)

I encourage you today, pursue God, not the dream. Because He alone satisfies. And when we pursue God, then He will make sure the dreams that HE has for us come true. Even beyond our wildest expectations! (1 Corinthians 2: 9)

***What are your thoughts on all this? I invite you to comment below.