Category: Homeschooling

  • Grab your dream & a taco event!

    My family and my friends know that I LOVE chips and salsa ~ it’s an addiction! I also love Mexican food, encouraging people to fulfill their purpose and to dream big dreams! I have a quote that I often say,…

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  • It’s still spring

    When you read the news today or go on Facebook and other social media sites, almost all you see right now is centered around one word: Coronavirus. As of this post today, there are 14,611 deaths reported world-wide from the…

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  • My one word for 2019

    Several years ago I stopped making New Year resolutions, because, let’s face it, they were broken the first month (sometimes the first week!)–like walking again or eating healthier! I heard about instead, creating a #oneword and a Scripture verse(s) to…

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