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Beth Jones

Following God's Calling Against the World Webinar
Blog, Faith, prayer, Spiritual Gifts, Travel, Writing

God’s Calling Africa fundraiser webinar

Following God's Calling Against the World Webinar

Following God’s Calling Against the World Webinar

Do you have a big dream in your heart?

My big dream is to travel all around the world, to speak at women’s conferences, for missions and pleasure trips. One of those dream places is Africa. Now I have the opportunity to go!

Pastors Patrick and Rose Mudenyo have asked me to speak at their women’s conference at their church, Revival Praise and Worship Church, in Bungoma, Kenya, East Africa, in December 2013. This is a legitimate, credible opportunity that I have checked into to make sure it is not a scam. Pastors Patrick and Rose are people of integrity, with 8 churches in Kenya, who help care for orphans in their home.

My precious friend Rochelle Valasek, aka “Shelley,” wants to go to Africa one day, too, and has created a fundraiser webinar to sow into this harvest field. I viewed it today and just bawled crying! It is so good and so encouraging about your calling and your puprose! You will love it and be so blessed.

She shares how when God calls you to go somewhere, you go! Jesus told His disciples, “Follow me.” They left everything and everyone they loved in order to follow Him. Shelley teaches on each of the 12 disciples who followed God.

To view the webinar, you must donate an amount of at least $5. If you feel led to donate more than that, you can. Just click on the Paypal donate button below and then you’ll receive the link to view the GoToWebinar.

Click on the Paypal donate button below to see this anointed webinar!

After you click the Donate button and enter your amount, you then have to click on the orange button which says, “Go back to Beth Jones,” where you’ll be taken to a GoToWebinar opt-in page to fill in your name and email address.”

If you have any problems, email Shelley at or me at

Please help me and my husband Ray get to Africa this year by donating to this fundraiser webinar. You’ll be sowing into an amazing opportunity for God to bless His precious daughters in Africa at this conference. Thank you so much for your support, prayers, and love! May God ABUNDANTLY BLESS YOU!

Beth Jonees, International Speaker/Author

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author/Coach

Rochelle Valasek

Rochelle Valasek

Rochelle Valasek, Speaker/Author/Life Purpose Coach

Sought After Speaker Summit binder
Blog, Coaching, Faith, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Travel, Writing

Sought After Speaker Summit part 3

Sought After Speaker Summit binder

Sought After Speaker Summit binder

This is part 3 of the Sought After Speaker Summit training. You can read part 1 here and part 2 here.

Who was there?

There were women from all walks of life at this training – all ages, races, economic classes, faiths or religions, marital status, education, work experience. I think we all had the same goal: how to achieve success, how to reach the next level in our businesses. And I think success is something you have to define personally, what it looks like for you.

For me, success does mean building substantial wealth. Not to buy new toys, but to help get our family out of debt, build wealth for us and our children’s futures, and to travel all over the world for both missions and pleasure.

To me, success also means life-work-family balance. God and my family come before my business. They are my priorities. At the same time, they need to honor and respect when I need to work on projects.

This doesn’t always happen. I’ve talked with other speakers and entrepreneurs, who have said it happens at their houses, too…they get interrupted just as soon as they start working on something important!

God spoke to my heart last year and told me that my family is NOT an interruption. To realize they matter more! This is something I continue to work on and ask God for help daily.

One of the reasons I choose to work from home is because I love being the CEO of my business, setting my own schedule, taking time off when I want or need to, spending time with those I love. I am using the spiritual gifts God has given me in my work, fulfilling my purpose and my dreams in speaking, writing, coaching, and traveling.

This is what God made me for. I love it! 🙂

Some of the topics covered at the Sought After Speaker training were:

  1. The 10 Steps To Becoming a Sought After Speaker
  2. Create a Compelling Vision and Make Your Business Thrive With Speaking!
  3. How to Get Your Speaker Sheet Done
  4. InfusionSoft -The Easiest Way to Grow Sales
  5. 10 Different Ways to Add Revenue and Clients To Your Business with Speaking
  6. How to Make Your Offer to Come Home with Clients
Caterina Rando

Caterina Rando
SAS Training, Los Angeles

I’d guess there were about 75 or more women there. The room was full. Some of the Sought After Speaker training attendees were clients in her advanced programs. On the second day, they led workshops on different topics that were their areas of expertise:

  • 5 Things to Do With Blogging and SEO to Get More Clients
  • Feng Shui Strategies (I stayed far away from this one!)
  • Create a systematic schedule of events for a successful email marketing campaign
  • How to Use Social Media to Become a Sought After Speaker by Yvonne Elm Hall, who I sat by and talked with the first day. She has tripled her revenue working with Caterina! I LOVE her pretty website and heart logo!
  • How to Sell Your Services on EBay
  • How to look Like a Successful Sought After Speaker, by KL Moore.

I made two new friends, who sat at my table, so I was really excited about that. KL is a Christian, and I told her I didn’t believe in coincidences with her sitting right beside me! KL is in Caterina’s advanced business program and encouraged me to sign up for her advanced speakers’ program next year. She’s praying for God to show me what to do, and we exchanged emails and plan on talking again!

KL Moore, petite, pretty and powerful, is standing on stage here (first on the left) as Caterina asked her and her other advanced program clients to come forward to share how the programs have helped them in their businesses.

KL Moore, Image Consultant & Speaker

KL Moore, Image Consultant & Speaker

Here’s Vanessa at my table – the very pretty Asian, tiny woman on the right. The other women at my table were so sweet, but I forgot their names – guess I need to practice this skill, as Caterina would say! I think the woman in the middle was Nancy and the woman on the left was Julie – but don’t quote me on that!

Notice the cute, colorful orange binder on the table that Caterina gave us for the training. It has sheets with helpful tips and action steps for us to write down and begin.

Vanessa Pearson, Financial Advisor

Vanessa Pearson, Financial Advisor

Here’s Yvonne (middle seat), looking at the camera. Yvonne is a Social Media Brand Strategist. Hers and KL’s workshops had great info.

Yvonne Elm Hall, Social Media Brand Strategist

Yvonne Elm Hall, Social Media Brand Strategist

Another woman I met, Janet McIntosh, is a VA (Virtual Assistant), so I got her card! I may need her as I intend to apply what I learned at this training!

After lunch and during a couple of the breaks, 80’s music played and some of the women danced. That was fun.

Some women danced

Some women danced

Caterina had some leftover goody bags from a previous training, and this goody was in the pink bag: Woman Entrepreneur Extraordinaire – secrets of business success, written by multiple authors.

Women Entrepreneur Extraordinaire book

Women Entrepreneur Extraordinaire book

Caterina autographed it for me, signing it, “Beth, Expect Success!”

Beth, Expect Success!

Beth, Expect Success!

Yes, I do!!!

This week I”ll share some of the things I learned with you! I’m thankful to God for this amazing opportunity, grateful to Ray for working overtime shifts for me to be able to go, and to Heather for letting Leah stay with her while I was gone and Ray was at work.

What do you think about this post? What trainings have you gone to for speaking or your business, and what was your big aha? Mine was the amazing content and how “available” Caterina was with the attendees! I also loved making a new friend, KL!

Leave your comments below.

Beth Jonees, International Speaker/Author

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author


Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author

Do you need a dynamic keynote speaker for your women’s conference or event? I’d love to work with you to help make your event a great success! To book me as a speaker, email me at or contact me here.

Caterina Rando & Beth Jones
Blog, Faith, Spiritual Gifts, Travel, Writing

Sought After Speaker Summit part 2

SASS Speakers Training

SASS Speakers Training
Los Angeles, CA

The Sought After Speaker training

This post is part 2 of the Sought After Speaker Summit series. You can read part 1 here.

This speakers’ training was amazing. I’m so thankful to God that I got to go!

But as a believer in Christ, let me start off with a disclaimer about the training if you are considering it. This was NOT a Christian training in LA, if you are considering signing up for the programs next year. That is WHY I am praying about registering (also because of the big investment, although I have no doubt there’d be a return on the investment, and that Caterina would be able to help me to monetize my business in a much bigger way, if I worked with her.) If you want to know more about the non-Christian aspect, please email me at

The speaking training itself was great, some of the best practical training on speaking and business that I’ve ever had. I learned many new things, and networked with other speakers and female business owners/CEOS. The networking is really fun! 😀

I’m going to share more with you about what I learned from the training in blog posts this week and maybe in a telecall or a webinar – what do you think? Interested?


Don’t be a diva!

My biggest surprise was how Caterina greeted each attendee personally, getting to know them and remembering names fast. She said remembering names is a skill you have to learn in business.

I had asked her a question about speaking at one of the breaks and at one point in the training, she physically turned to me from the front of the room and said, “Beth, are you listening to this? Do you hear this?”

Meaning this is for you, Beth. This will help you in YOUR biz! I said, “I’m listening!” The fact that she knew my name and face and singled me out in the audience to specifically help me really blessed me.

She also told me during the break she’d love to work with me and she said she thinks I’m “ready to fly.” What a huge honor! One of her team members, who had not heard her say this, also told me she thinks I’m ready to go to the next level in my speaking. I receive this!

Another amazing thing that happened was that me and another woman winded up speaking in front of the ENTIRE ROOM! (Everyone else, other than the workshop leaders, had to speak just at their tables.)

Talk about being a little nervous, not only speaking to a roomful of strangers, but to do it in front of Caterina and having to do it with a totally unprepared-for, impromptu speech! Thankfully, it only had to be a minute or two. The women at my table said, “You did it!’ and clapped for me. Later, a woman from Spain told me I did good, which was encouraging, too. 🙂

Beth Jones, October 2013

Beth Jones
October 2013

The training was packed with value and intense. Caterina patiently answered question after question from the audience about speaking at the 2-day training, which was from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day.

She used questions to share her expertise and wisdom, power points, exercises with attendees speaking at our tables, and workshops to facilitate this training. But other than the one hour workshops on the 2nd day, she taught both days all day long with strength and energy. I was amazed at her stamina.

She advised us to avoid caffeine, sugar, and dairy products before speaking. She drinks tea. One helpful tea is called kukicha (twig tea). It helps your voice, is excellent for the skin, and has many health benefits.

She eats a high protein diet (eggs) for breakfast before speaking – no carbs, no pasta. She said you must take proper care of yourself as a speaker to have this stamina.

This is just a small sampling of “super tips” she gave at this training!


Caterina Rando
Sought After Speaker Summit, LA

Don’t be that kind of speaker!

She exhorted us not to be “diva speakers,” being demanding of event planners with a long list of things we demand (like 3 water bottles, special equipment, a certain hotel, etc.) or to be unapproachable with attendees. She demonstrated this herself by answering our questions, autographing books, talking and taking pictures with us.

Caterina Rando & Beth Jones

Caterina Rando & Beth Jones
Sought After Speaker Summit
Los Angeles, CA

Caterina encouraged us to serve and help others. To hold a bigger vision for our audiences and clients than they have for themselves. This can change their lives!

SAS attendee taking notes

SAS attendee taking notes

On Friday, we had an optional spotlight session that we could choose to attend to ask her any additional questions about writing, speaking, or business. She mostly focused on writing a book, but also addressed many speaking questions.

Of course, I took advantage of this time to learn from Caterina’s expertise. She has earned 6 figures a year in business for years, and is quickly approaching 7 figures a year!

Caterina Rando affirming attendee

Caterina Rando giving attendee a positive affirmation

Caterina’s color is definitely red. She wore this on Saturday, the 2nd day. She is Italian and has beautiful, thick, black hair and olive colored skin, so it looks really good on her…her power color. She also loves jewelry. 🙂 The most important part for the speaker is the message, delivery, and connecting with the audience, but appearance does matter! You want to look professional…usually a notch above what the audience is wearing.

Caterina Rando, Sought After Speaker Summit

Caterina Rando
Sought After Speaker Summit

The environment for where you are speaking matters, too. She gave the example of waiters coming in from both sides of the room at one of her trainings, making noise and interrupting her. It was very distracting to her and the audience. The room and the sound/AV equipment needs to be checked out before the conference or event begins – room temp, lighting, sound, video, power point, decorations, space, etc.

I loved the fresh red and yellow roses at the registration table.

Red and yellow roses

Red and yellow roses

In part 3, I’ll share about who was there and some of the topics covered at the training.

Beth Jonees, International Speaker/Author

Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author


Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author

Do you need a dynamic keynote speaker for your women’s conference or event? I’d love to work with you to help make your event a great success! To book me as a speaker, email me at or contact me here.