48 hours until the Released Women’s Conference-what a ride! Still time to sign up. https://www.bethjones.net/released/
As a child I was sexually and physically abused. Abuse makes children feel unworthy. Makes them feel as if their lives are limited. Puts a label of shame on them. There are no limits or labels in Christ. Come to…
I spoke at the ladies’ tea at the Archie Baptist Church. Since Archie is a small rural town, I didn’t think many women would be attending. To my shock, the room was filled! God showed me through this to dream…
I was featured as an Aspiring Woman for April 2013 in She Aspires.
Your bio is important for your speaking presentation. It can woo your audience or turn them off. What should your bio say – and NOT include?
Your bio is important for your speaking presentation. You want your audience to anticipate you speaking – not be bored or turned off before you even begin speaking.
Africa Amazon Beth Jones Beth Jones international speaker books business children Cinderella coaching destiny dreams earthquake ebooks Faith family finances fitness forgiveness goals God Haiti healing health hope Jesus Jesus Christ Kindle love marriage new year parenting prayer purpose Ray Jones relationships Speaking spiritual gifts spiritual warfare success travel traveling vacation women's conferences Writing writing books