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Possible amputation today, out of food

Here is a picture of the baby Ray delivered at the field hospital in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Her name is Saintos Balkis. Her parents named her Saintos, and gave Ray the honor of giving her the second name. Balkis was the name of the Queen of Sheba in a Kipling poem.

Today Ray may have to do an amputation in Haiti. The latest doctors who arrived at the clinic are leaving and have been prepping Ray for it.  His supervisor here at the hospital in Missouri is finding someone to work Ray’s next two shifts, so that is favor from God. Thank you, Jesus!

We are just taking it day by day for Ray’s arrival here, praying, trusting that God is in full control and that He still has work for Ray to do there. I personally believe that God has Ray there ON PURPOSE for His glory, and that is why he hasn’t been able to get on any planes out of there! God’s ways are not our ways.

Here is the latest update from pastor Jay’s newsletter.  The Haitian people in the tent city have been out of food for nine days now. They need food.  There is also some disease breaking out now.  Please pray protection over Ray and the staff from diseases. Here is what Ray said on his Facebook status: 

“Running low of medical supplies. Several cases of pneumonia now, as well as infectious diarrhea in the children. Saw my first ever case of what I beleive to be Hansen’s disease. The hospital I started the IV in does not even qualify as a treatment facility. Conditions were abominable.”

I am shipping some food to pastor Jay’s Melbourne address in the next day or two. For those of you who want to contribute, contact me at You can also donate to SEMSAR at or you can donate directly to pastor Jay at The food that Jay mentioned in the update below is already gone!

Pastor Jay’s church downtown was destroyed in the earthquake, so workmen now are pouring concrete and setting up a tent to serve as the new church on the compound grounds, where the offices and the school Morningstar Academy are located in Port-Au-Prince:

“It has been 9 days since our last food distribution. We had tried every angle and every organization, all to no avail. Then on Saturday we got our first bit of food, not enough for a full distribution but at least we got our foot in the door. A young man e-mailed us (not knowing what was going on) and told us God impressed on him to tell us to “give what we had and God would multiply.” We had intentions to do just that and we get the call from our Muslim contacts that they were near with a 45 foot trailer full of food! Once again, God moved on the hearts of men across the globe to provide for His children. The United Arab Emirates sent food by way of the Dominican Republic. Tomorrow we will do our first feeding in 10 days!

Our clinic continues to operate full speed! We are seeing almost 200 people per day. On Friday (2/5/10) we delivered our 4th baby since the quake. Saintos Balkis was born at 11:50PM. Her name means “Saint Balkis.” The parents named her Saintos, but gave our attending paramedic the honor of choosing the second part of her name. Balkis was Kipling’s fictional name of the queen of Sheba. Pray that this little girl matures in Lord as she grow up.

The last of our tents came down on Saturday in our tent city. The people were gracious and understood that we needed the field to bring in our medical clinic trailer, as well as staging of the supplies that will soon hit our property. Every family was issued an ID card that gauruntees access to food, water and continued medical care.

We continue to move forward on preparing the ground for the foundation of the future COTR facilities here at Morningstar. After the slab is poured, we will raise our tent as soon as it arrives, and that will be the next phase of our recovery. The tent is 20,000 square feet and will be home (for the church) for the coming months as we continue to raise funds for the steel of the new building. This weekend we saw almost 3,000 people again show up for Sunday service and morning prayer remains strong every morning with over 1,000 people coming to pray.”

Wow, how exciting!  I believe many testimonies will be coming out of Haiti!

On a personal note, our one car is making a rattling noise under the floorboard now, so please pray about that, as we don’t have the money for a mechanic right now!  I am just driving where necessary in town for now. That is so mild a need compared to the devastation in Haiti, but God cares about all of our requests, big and small.  Did you know that? God hears YOUR prayers, and He wants to help you!

Thank you for your continual prayers for my husband, pastor Jay, and the people of Haiti who are in such need.

To donate to Ray’s medical missions trip in Haiti, click here.

Blog, Faith, prayer

Ray looking for a flight home now; needs in Haiti go on

Tent City at Morningstar Academy compound, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

For those of you who are following my updates on my husband Ray in Haiti, he is now looking for a way to fly home to Kansas City, Missouri. He doesn’t want to leave. There are still great needs there; there will be needed work there for years.  But Ray has to come back to his job and family here.  Please continue to keep the people of Haiti in your prayers.  May we not forget them.

Ray has set up and stocked a medical clinic at pastor Jay’s Christian school, Morningstar Academy. They are seeing an average of 200-300 people per day in the clinic since he started it, and are now making the transition from urgent care to primary care.

Ray is trying to make sure the medical clinic he set up there is still operational after he leaves. Ray has been working this week at the clinic with an orthodox Jewish doctor from the U.S., who he said is just fantastic. He is breaking in the new medical team and hopes to be home in Kansas City by this coming Friday.

Pastor Jay’s school compound, where the tent city and medical clinic are set up on his property, still needs food, water, and supplies.  Ray says that there are food, water, and medical supplies available in the area, but when they ask for it, they are told by the U.N. or other organizations that they are “holding it until we develop a plan for distribution.” Please pray for God to bust through their control and government red tape to help the people of Haiti!

Ray is doing a little better now with his upper respiratory cough and fever.  He said it is mostly annoying. He said he also got bitten on the neck by a tarantula spider the other night as he was sleeping!  Think, really big, hairy spider with large fangs on you in the middle of the pitch-black night.  Yelling “Tarantula!”, he grabbed and threw it, and his room-mate stomped on it, while Ray went back to sleep.

Only my husband, man of no fears and the world’s deepest sleeper, could go back to snoring after something like that happened.  He really is not scared of them. He thinks they are interesting. On his last two trips to Haiti, he and his men friends went on a night-time tarantula hunt and filmed them for folks back home. I have watched the video of Ray and his friend Mike looking for tarantulas in the dark, and getting close-ups of them with the camcorder, using the accent of the Crocodile Man (Steve Irwin) as they poked the creatures with sticks. I saw the tarantulas when I went with Ray on his last mission trip there, and stayed a far distance from them as much as I could. EEEK!

Tarantulas are poisonous, but their bites are not fatal unless the person is allergic to them. It is much like a bee sting.  Ray’s cough right now is probably unrelated to the spider bite. Please pray for his total healing. I asked him to please not bring any tarantulas home as souvenirs!

On a serious note, on his Facebook update status, Ray said, “I am not buried under tons of rubble, so my issues pale by comparison.”

Ray has a word of warning for people regarding donations:  “Fresh water, food, and medicines are at a premium.  DO NOT just give to a ministry or organization that says, “We are helping in Haiti.”  We had people the other day taking photographs of the clinic I built here, and posting the pictures on a website claiming it was “thier clinic” and to donate to them.” 

He encourages people to give food and donations to ministries that have been there long-term and know what they are doing, such as pastor Jay Threadgill of Fishers Of Men International.  You can also still give donations to Ray’s medical-security missions organization SEMSAR, since Ray and I funded this trip out of our personal checking account and through SEMSAR.  To donate, click here.

This week I met with the editor of the local newspaper to do a story on Ray’s mission trip there. I can’t wait until it comes out this week!  Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Ray until he returns safely home!

Picture of Haiti from Ray’s last trip there; this is probably all leveled now.

Blog, Faith, prayer

Prayer for Ray’s healing

Ray got to call me tonight for the first time since he went to Port Au Prince, Haiti; he borrowed a cell phone from someone. It broke up a lot, but at least we got to talk, praise the Lord!  There are hardly any flights going out of Haiti now, so he’s not able to come home right now. He is going to try to be back within a week.

At the medical clinic (field hospital) he set up at pastor Jay’s compound, he said they are seeing an average of 250 people per day there. Haitians are coming in each day to stay at the tent city on the compound field, and then go over to the medical clinic, wanting to be checked for various injuries/problems.  Today a Jewish orthopedic surgeron, an EMT, and two nurses arrived from the U.S. to help Ray, so that is good news! 

Ray has an upper respiratory cough, so please pray for total healing for him.  He specifically asked me for prayer for physical strength (he is exhausted), and for food for pastor Jay, him, the medical team, and the patients as they are quickly running out of food. There is water, food, and medical supplies available in the area, but it’s locked up right now from government red tape and control, so please pray for God to get these needs into the hands of the people.

There are still bodies buried underneath the rubble, and Ray said it will take years to remove all the debris as the area is just in ruins.  Where he’s at right now is tolerable, but when you go more into the heart of Port-Au-Prince, he said the stench is awful. Bodies are still being burned and/or buried. That is the harsh reality of the situation. The nation is in mourning.

There have been a few very minor aftershocks since the -6.0 aftershock since he’s been there, but they are becoming fewer and not lasting very long.

He will be home as soon as he can.

If you would like to donate to Ray’s medical mission in Haiti to help pastor Jay, click here.

I don’t know this music artist, but I found this video tonight on You Tube about Haiti. It’s VERY GRAPHIC.  Please pray for Haiti.