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Blog, Faith, Marriage, Parenting, prayer, Spiritual Gifts, Travel

Walk free

Have you ever gone somewhere new and found out that the directions you had didn’t work or the highway you were taking was closed due to construction? Or that your smart phone’s GPS didn’t work right?

This happened to my husband Ray and me this year in January when we were going to a marriage retreat in Kansas City, Kansas. I had signed us up for the retreat as a surprise for some much needed R & R for Ray and me at the nice hotel Chateau Avalon, where the retreat was held. They deliver breakfast to your hotel door and each room has a big jacuzzi tub.


I had the correct address, had printed off the directions to the hotel from Mapquest online, and was using my iPhone’s GPS to get us there. Ray was tired from having worked several shifts, so I drove. For some reason the GPS didn’t work and the printed directions didn’t help.

I had to depend on God and Ray to get us safely there. As a paramedic, Ray often drives the ambulance to Kansas City hospitals, so he knew the area better than I did. The Holy Spirit led us the right way, but we’d never been this way before. 

Maybe something like this has happened to you, too. Maybe this year you’re going a way you haven’t gone before. It can be scary and uncertain.

Ray and I are there right now with our housing situation. Our lease at the rental house where we live is up on April 30, 2016. We’re not sure what’s going to happen yet or where we will live. Our faith is being tested. We’re having to trust God.

Karen Wells, Doreen Penner, Beth Jones

Speakers Karen Wells, Doreen Penner, and Beth Jones

If this situation resonates with you, I invite you to join me and my anointed speaker friends Doreen Penner and Karen Wells for our exciting virtual event on Thursday, April 7, 2016,  Walk Free Summit. There are three different speakers’ sessions and it will begin 10 a.m. Central Time.


The event is free, and at the end of each speaker’s session we’re opening the phone lines for you to share your heart: comments, questions, or prayer requests. 

It’s time for you to walk free in Jesus Christ’s authority. 

You can find out more information and sign up right now by clicking here.

Please share with your family, friends, and peers. 

Blog, Faith, Marriage, prayer

Do you need a reset button?

Reset button. Source:


This morning I woke up much later than usual, which threw my day off. Then Ray and I had some “intense domestic fellowship,” as our friends Don and Gala dub marriage conflicts, over something stupid (usually arguments between married couples are!).

As I sat in my sunroom having coffee with God, I prayed, “God, I need a reset button for this morning. I need a reset button for my life.”

Do you ever feel that way? The good news is that with Jesus, you have “a reset button.”

He exchanged His life for yours, His perfection for your sins, His healing for your sickness, His heavenly riches for your poverty of spirit (and finances), His eternal promises and hope for your discouraging trials and tests, His joy for your tears, His beauty for your ashes. 

I haven’t had a perfect life. In fact, I’ve been through so much in my life that a TV researcher interviewing me for a possible TV segment last year said, “Beth, you’ve been through so much in your life that it could easily be made into 3 movies.”

If I had a reset button for my life, I’d do a lot of things differently. But all I have is the present-today. That’s all you have, too. And through Christ we can have a reset button right this moment.

Whatever you’re going through, God is there. He loves you. He has a good plan for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11)

If you’ve messed up, ask His forgiveness. (1 John 1:9)

If you need healing, Jesus is the Healer. (Psalm 107:20)

If you don’t know what to do, pray for wisdom and direction. (James 1:5-6)

If you feel discouraged, there is always hope with Christ. (Romans 5:2-7)

If you need a miracle, nothing is impossible with God. (Matthew 19:26)

If you have a dream in your heart, God has more for you than you can even think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20, The Message)

Remember, with God there is a reset button for today.


Promises In The Dark: One Woman's Search for Authentic Love

Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search
for Authentic Love by Beth Jones

Had a hard life? Going through trials and tests which seem overwhelming? I relate. Read the story of my childhood sexual and physical abuse, 3 abortions, and adulterous affairs and the healing and hope I found through Jesus Christ in my book, Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love, by clicking here. Available for sale at, Amazon for your Kindle, and Barnes & Noble for Your Nook.


Give all, give now

“Writing is its own reward.” – Henry Miller

I love to write. I’ve been writing since I was a child. In junior high school, I wrote in my diary about the “dreamy” blue-eyed boy, Gary, who I had a crush on or the kind of “modern” house I wanted to have when I grew up, how I loved my cat Tabby and how much I wanted a horse.

My dresser

My dresser where I wrote and hid my stories

I’d write fiction short stories, then hide them in my dresser drawer. My sister Maria would sneak into my bedroom, read them, and we’d fight, even though it should have been a compliment. I’d throw her Barbie doll, she’d scratch me with her long fingernails, and we’d both get into trouble by our parents. Today she is one of my biggest fans, for which I’m grateful. 

Today I’m the author of eight books, and am writing three more. The one I’m working on currently is my first fiction book, Storm Tossed.

Storm Tossed ecover Copyright 2015 Beth Jones

Storm Tossed ecover
Copyright 2015 Beth Jones

My husband Ray has been encouraging me a long time to write fiction. Since I’ve never written one before, it’s treading new water and a little scary. But he feels it will “stretch” me as a writer. 

I believe I’ll be writing books, articles, and blogs for the rest of my life. Annie Dillard wrote, “Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book, or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now.”

No, I don’t want to hoard words. I couldn’t anyway. I have to write; it’s innate, an obsession and a compulsion.

Yeah, I can break up with writing, tell it that I’m just done and so over it, but eventually I come back. It’s like word crack.



I believe writing is a gift God has given me, a treasure, and it’s not for me or about me. As the prophet Jeremiah said, “his word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!”

Yes, a fire. At times the embers die, but when I fan them into flame, they ignite.

Words are a force and contain great power, like rocket fuel taking astronauts into an unexplored part of space like Mars-or like a 100-foot-wave tsunami that slams into a village, killing thousands. 

Sometimes the writing is powerful, stark, slices right through someone’s heart, making a deep but needed wound to impart truth that you don’t really want to hear. 

Other times, it bounces off the heart, like a neon-yellow, Wilson tennis ball. Flat. Boring. Inefficacious as wilted iceberg lettuce for a lunch salad. 

But still, I can’t imagine a life without writing. Writing is life. 

art-woman writing

art-woman writing

I’m participating in the writing contest: How Writing Has Positively Influenced My Life, hosted by Positive Writer.

Writing means freedom for me.

As I write, I learn about myself more. What I think, what I feel. What has happened in my life. And I heal more. Sometimes sharing my pain and struggles heals others, God’s grace droplets.

woman in rain

woman in rain

Writing gives me a brave, if shaking, voice when I feel so small and afraid. It empowers me to share my story. And others’ powerful stories.

Ultimately, writing is telling God’s story, through my hands. 

Use me

Use me

Hands open to receive and give life,encouragement, inspiration~and truth. Including what hurts, what angers, what violates, what seems just senseless.

Life is beautiful and sacred, but often very messy and gut-wrenching painful at times. We don’t understand it all. We can’t figure it out. 

Nor should we. That’s God’s job. Ultimately He’s in control in the driver’s seat. We have to trust Him, and know that no matter what has happened or will happen, He is good and has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). 

woman writing on laptop in ocean

woman writing on laptop in ocean

But we as writers can write.

Writing helps us to get through life. Crying. Laughing. Coping. Overcoming. Inspiring.

Writing heals. Writing empowers.

Writing sets free. 

Writing is beautiful.

Writing is a precious gift, to be unwrapped, opened, and enjoyed by you, me, others, like a sweet red wine and a thick, juicy prime rib steak. Or like a newborn, innocent baby, whose smile just melts us. 

Don’t hoard your words. They matter too much. Give, give all, give now, as Annie Dillard wrote. 

Never stop. Keep writing.