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women’s conferences

Daffodil & Butterfly. Copyright 2013 Leah Jones
Blog, Faith, prayer, Spiritual Gifts, Travel

Born to fly and multiply



One of the most beautiful creations God made and one of my favorite is the butterfly. Butterflies are free.

Have you ever seen a butterfly who looked stressed out, worried, angry, depressed, discouraged, or unhappy? No. Butterflies are happy. 🙂

I researched caterpillars and butterflies today. It was fascinating to read about them.

Caterpillars are one big munching machine from the time they are born until the time they are transformed into the butterfly. They even eat their own skin in the chrysalis!

Butterflies are more graceful and delicate. Their favorite beverage is a flower drink (the nectar).

Butterflies are all about flight and reproduction. Even when resting, butterflies are often preparing for flight by keeping their wing muscles warm enough to move.

Butterflies also have an extremely short life span.

The small blue butterfly can live only a few days. The migrating monarch butterfly can live up to 12 months. Some species of butterflies migrate thousands of miles or hibernate in the winter.

But at the end of their journey or at the beginning of spring, all butterflies’ actions are the same. They mate, the females lay eggs, and then all the adults die.

The eggs hatch into caterpillars, which turn into similarly short-lived butterflies.

Born to freely fly. Born to multiply.

It’s the same with us as Christian believers.

We weren’t made to just munch, munch, munch our way through life – consuming everything the world offers such as material goods, entertainment, social media, food.

We were created for so much more – to fly with God. To fulfill His purpose for our lives. To be fruitful and multiply on earth, to subdue it and rule over everything. (Genesis 1:28)  To leave a Godly legacy through our children.

“But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31, NLT

We are to be Freed by His Love, Transformed by His Power.

Are you free? Do you want a change in 2013? Be one of the 50 women who will experience transformation this spring!

A yellow butterfly is the logo for our RELEASED! Women’s Conference on April 27 in Belton, MO. Click here to save your seat!

You can also register online through Event Brite. This gives you more payment options to attend. Click here to get your ticket through Event Brite.


Resource on caterpillars and butterflies, How Stuff Works:

Blog, Faith, prayer, Spiritual Gifts

Butterflies are free


Copyright 2013 Eren McKay

This morning a friend asked me for a favor, and when I did, she blessed me with a gift. I don’t know if Eren McKay knew that I’m hosting a women’s conference locally on April 27, and that it’s logo/theme is a butterfly being released, but she made this beautiful butterfly graphic for me. I love it!

The colors are beautiful and I love heart drawings. How creative for her to draw the girl holding the flowers and the butterflies like balloons! (Eren’s creativity inspires me! You can check out her site here. Be sure to also listen to her podcasts. They are so soothing and peaceful, and very practical.)

Have you ever seen a butterfly that is stressed out, worried, depressed, angry, or unhappy? No. Butterflies are free. They are happy. They are not weighed down with concerns that hinder them from flying.

What about you? Are you free? Are you happy? Are you fulfilled? Are you being all God made you to be, living out your purpose and passion for God’s glory?

I invite you to join me and other women across the U.S. and Canada for this exciting women’s conference in Belton, MO (just outside Kansas City, MO). Women of faith of all races, nations, cultures, denominations, and economic classes will connect in the heart of America to enjoy our four anointed speakers, a delicious catered Italian lunch, great door prizes, friendship and networking opportunities – and FUN! It’s time to be RELEASED from whatever has been holding you back into your great purpose and destiny! You can find out more by clicking here.

If you live in another town, city, state, or even country, it will be SO worth the flight or drive to attend. God has already been doing amazing things with this conference. You don’t want to miss the blessing.

Woman with wild hair in yellow blouse
Blog, Business, Coaching, Faith, Spiritual Gifts, Travel, Writing

Wild Woman

Woman with wild hair in yellow blouseYesterday I was a wild woman. My hair looked like I’d stuck my finger in a socket. But who has time to fix her hair when life is so much fun?

My desk was an avalanche of papers: notes from my Client Coaching sessions, a bright salmon/orange-colored notebook filled with ideas and to-do lists for the RELEASED Women’s Conference in April, a recent Speaking presentation. Dishes piled all over the kitchen counter. The house and car need cleaning.

Despite what seems like chaos on the outside though, great things are being accomplished. (I’m washing the dishes and organizing my desk after this blog post!)

I’m SOOO excited about the conference; I can’t wait! Sponsors have been so generous, God is downloading just the right rhema word to the speakers, we have a powerful worship leader, and women are coming from across the U.S., Canada, and other places to worship God, to be encouraged, and to have fun!

You have only two more days to get the Early Bird Price.

Maybe you think you don’t have the money to attend, or it’s too far to drive or fly from where you live. Pray. God is able! Click here to save your spot.

The Circle Maker

I’m reading a new book this week called The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears.***  My sweet friend Jennifer Whiddon read it and thought of me, and sent it in the mail as a gift. The author, Mark Batterson, says we often pray and believe too small.

God is a big God. He wants to do so much more for us than we think. (Ephesians 3:20). The New King James Version says He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think!

Here’s what Batterson writes on page 45:

“Nothing honors God more than a big dream that is way beyond our ability to accomplish. Why? Because there is no way we can take credit for it. And nothing is better for our spiritual development than a big dream because it keeps us on our knees in raw dependence on God.”

God has definitely been “spiritually developing” me. This conference was a leap of faith for me. There are a lot of costs to putting something like this on. It’s a lot of work. I can’t do it alone. I have to force ask my family for help and delegate tasks. There’s so much to get done to prepare for the conference. It’s just all way bigger than me and my abilities. But I’m so excited. It’s going to be amazing! And when all is said and done, God will get the glory!

What dream do you have that is way beyond your ability? Ask Him for it. Watch and see what He will do. I’m not just a wild woman. He’s a wild God!

***This is an affiliate link. I only recommend products I’ve personally used or truly believe in.