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Bible Studies

This category is for Bible studies on a variety of topics.

Bible Studies, Blog, Faith, Marriage, Parenting, prayer, Writing

Harvest of Hope 50-Day Devotional

Harvest of Hope 50 Day Devotional by Dana Arcuri

Harvest of Hope 50 Day Devotional by Dana Arcuri

I don’t usually do book reviews on my website, even though I am a voracious reader.

This blog post isn’t really a review, but a recommendation to read Dana Arcuri’s just-released Harvest of Hope 50-Day Devotional book.

Dana was my client last year, and she hired me as a coach to motivate her to finish her book Harvest of Hope: Living Victoriously Through Adversity. She completed it with God’s help, making her big dream of being an author come true

It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. Dana is a natural writer, and her writing just flows. I read it all in one day, unable to put it down.

Sharing her harrowing journey of date rape, marriage problems, a diagnosis of ADHD and fibromyalgia, and toxic prescription interactions that led to a suicide attempt, Dana walks you through her darkest moments that she overcame by a strong faith in Christ. Her book and message are one of hope.

Now she’s done it again with her devotional. It is a great book on topics relating to deeper faith, restored health, leaning more on God through trials, having a God-sized dream, living an abundant life of purpose, reaching goals, and more. 

With this book you get:

  • an inspiring message
  • Scriptures pertaining to each topic
  • a 15 minute reading
  • encouragement to pray or take action steps

“Dare to believe in yourself, your dreams, and your strengths. Consider realistic steps of action that may lead you onto the right path to draw you closer to your dreams. Persistently overcome your fears by following a new vision. Remain focused, keep moving, and be determined to plug away by completing one goal at a time. When you achieve your deepest dreams, you not only accomplish what you set out for, but you have something valuable to share with others. You give them hope, inspiration, and meaning to their life. Not only that, but you pave the way for others to chase after their own God-sized dreams.” – Dana Arcuri, Harvest of Hope: A 50 Day Devotional

 I give this book two thumbs up and highly recommend it for inspiration and encouragement. 

Bible Studies, Blog, Faith, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

Christmas special: give the gift of books!

I’m so excited about my graphic designer Christine Dupre’s new work, showcasing my most recent book Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love, along with other amazing authors’ books!

Want a great gift for Christmas for family and friends? Give them the gift of my book!

Get Christmas shopping done early by clicking here! And spread the love and the word!

Bible Studies, Blog, Faith, Parenting, prayer, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

Women’s Battles Show with Vickie Oakley, March 22

Imagine it is a normal, routine day for you. But imagine that day turns out to be the worst nightmare of your life: your precious child’s life is suddenly taken. 

How can a parent bare his or her own child’s death? How can you even go on any more from the intense grief?

Join International Speaker/Host Beth Jones with her special guest Vickie Oakley for this powerful episode as Vickie shares about the day her 17 year old daughter was involved in a 2-car accident, with both cars filled with teens. 

“All of the kids in those cars went home, except my daughter. That night she went to the funeral home,” Vickie says.

Yet through her relationship with Christ, Vickie found hope and faith. Ironically, her daughter’s name was Hope.

Vickie will be sharing how God has turned her life around through her daughter’s death for God’s glory.

We’d love for you to join us in the chat room on Saturday, March 22, 2014, @ 10 a.m. Central Time (11 a.m. Eastern Time) by clicking here.

You can also call into the show.

The call-in details are below:

Talkshoe Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 98698

Vickie has been married to her husband for 19 years, and is the mother of 2 children, 1 surviving, 1 deceased. She is the Director of Human Resources for a 120-person engineering firm.

Vickie has a Doctorate in Ministry in Christian Counseling, a Masters in Human Resource Development, a B.S. in Psychology and Sociology, and is a Certified Life Coach by the International Christian Coach’s Association. She has taught Sunday School for 25 years and loves to teach the Bible. Vickie has been involved in Women’s Ministry for 10 years. Her favorite books in the Bible are Isaiah and John. She currently attends CrossWay Ministries Church in Andalusia, AL.

She is an avid photographer and motorcyclist, riding hers and her husband’s Harley Davidson motorcycle. She loves to read God’s word, write, and speak. She has 2 fur babies, Blue, an American bulldog, and Harley, a Daschund.

We’d love for you to join us for this show, and be sure to invite a friend!