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Blog, Books, Ebooks, Faith, prayer, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

My new book made #1 in the category of Christian Prophet in Kindle!

It’s always exciting to write a book. No matter how many books that you’ve written and published, whether it’s one, ten, or 100, the feeling of seeing your name on that front cover (or Kindle cover) NEVER gets old. And there’s no other feeling than HOLDING your book!

Photo by Jonathan Borba at Unsplash

Photo by Jonathan Borba at Unsplash

I liken it to birthing a baby. Pregnancy is difficult and uncomfortable and by the ninth month, you just want it to be over with…but when the baby finally comes, what JOY to hold that precious, beautiful baby! And with a book, there’s even greater joy when it does well.

Walking With God cover

My newest book, Walking With God: In the Prophetic Lifestyle, made #1 in the category of Christian Prophet in Kindle! Whoo hoo!

You can find out more about it and buy it here.

It is about the spiritual gift of prophecy and its function in the Body of Christ. I also share my own exciting adventures learning how to use this precious, beautiful gift. 

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Blog, Books, Ebooks, Faith, Family, Holidays, Podcast, Speaking, Speaking Events, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

What’s new: my last Vlogmas of 2022, Cultivate speaking event, my new book, and one-word 2023

Hi there! I’ve got several exciting things to share with you today!

First, here’s my last Vlogmas 2022 (vlogs that are about Christmas – a vlog is a video + a blog). I share about creating a miniature Christmas tree for our daughters Eden and Leah from Ray’s mom’s (their “Mimi”) Christmas crafts. She made me one with bears when Ray and I first married, and made another with snowmen that I gave our daughter Heather when mom passed away, as Heather (and I) loves snowmen.

You can see the finished adorable trees, as well as me wrapping and mailing gifts, and our daughter Leah’s, Ray’s, and my Christmas gifts we got, set to Christmas music, on the vlog.

I’m still learning HOW to vlog, but it sure is FUN! I’ve been watching other vloggers on YouTube about Vlogmas & travel vlogs.

Below is the link to my last Vlogmas of 2022:

My last Vlogmas of 2022

Cultivate: Christian Creative Symposium


I’m so excited and honored to be one of the speakers for Teresa, Jen, Chrischa, and Ken at their Cultivate: Christian Creative Symposium, an online conference for Christian creatives–designed for the way God wired you. It starts tomorrow until January 7, 2023.

It is FREE for you to attend!

There is also an All Access Pass and you can get $10 off when you use my coupon code JONES at registration.

The speakers and topics sound amazing! You can sign up at the link below. My speaking presentation is called, Shine Like Stars: Use Your Gifts to Make an Impact. I’ll also be on the live panel on Thursday, January 7, to answer any questions.

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Blog, Business, Marriage, prayer, Stress

What has you blocked?

Leaves and coffee

On Friday, after having my morning hot, creamy coffee and prayer, I set about to do my work in my office on my laptop. I had a Voxer coaching call also with my biz coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis, which went well. Voxer is like a walkie-talkie app on your phone. It is very cool, fast, and fun!

My biz coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis

My biz coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis

Diane gave me some suggestions on improving my website and advice on how to prosper more in my business. (She often says, “If you’re not making money in your business, it’s not a business. It’s an expensive hobby!” Amen!)

About mid-morning, my husband Ray texted me that a plumber was coming. Ray had gone downstairs on Friday morning and heard the bathtub and the toilet water “bubbling.” (Gurgling)

Uh-oh. Ray said this is usually an indicator of a “blockage.” He did NOT want sewage coming back up through the drain in our basement, our toilets, and tubs, so he called a plumber immediately. 

Ray's ceramic turtle

Ray’s ceramic turtle

You have to understand something: my husband is NOT a man of fast action; he (and God) always seem to move at a turtle’s pace, in my opinion. Years ago, I gave Ray a ceramic turtle as a joke gift, telling him that I feel he and God move slow as a turtle (see pic above). I’m like a race horse, raring to get out of the starting gate and RUN. So when Ray told me that he had called a plumber (so fast!), I knew it must be serious. (Oh, crap, pardon the pun!)

My husband Ray

My husband Ray

When I told Diane on the Voxer Coaching call that Ray had called the plumber and now that was stressing me out (as if I didn’t have enough stress), she said that is just life. Plumbers, air conditioning repairmen, tech issues, unfortunately, it’s all  part of life. You just deal with it and keep moving! In her way, that’s very fast. Then she went on to tell me some more blunt (but needed!) advice about my website and business!

cappuccino and laptop

cappuccino and laptop

As I tried to work later that day after my coaching call, the two plumbers arrived. I showed one of them all of our toilets and told him about Ray’s concern over the “bubbling” that morning. He nodded knowingly, as if to say, “I’ve got this.”

Initially, I instructed the plumbers not to let my cat Natalya out when they went in and out the door, as she’s an inside-only cat. They assured me they’d look after her. I went to my office to focus on numerous to-do’s. Natalya is normally a very sweet cat. I think I did hear Natalya growling once at the plumbers, but for the most part, she sat on the carpet, staring with wide eyes at the strangers as they walked throughout our house.

Natalya in the sunroom

My cat Natalya in the sunroom

Then as I looked out my office window about an hour later, one plumber was RUNNING to their truck. A small army of plumbers suddenly arrived, talking together about the problem. I could hear one of the plumbers in the bathroom down the hall, frustrated and cussing once or twice as he worked under the sink. This was NOT a good sign – and how much was this going to cost us?

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