I’ve been tweaking things at my website lately, like my EStore. I’ve added info products that I used to carry, and I’m planning to add more this year: ebooks, books, webinars, telecalls, cd’s. It’s time to get productive!
I was Skyping with a friend/business peer yesterday, who surprised me when she said she thought I was mostly a coach. Wha-a-a?! (No offense, coaches!)
We discussed how both of us can more effectively and clearly market ourselves and our biz.
We talked about how we as women entrepreneurs need to be bold and step up and say, “I am a _______.”

For me, that would be, “I am a public (professional) speaker.”
My signature talk is on The Power of Shoes, based on Cinderella’s story.
I so wish that I could claim credit for the title. One night I was having an insomniac, late-night Facebook chat with my jewelry artist friend Jennifer Whiddon, telling her my signature talk will be about Cinderella – and I wanted it to focus on shoes.
I LOVE shoes. Women in general love shoes.
Cinderella’s glass slippers were cool, and I wanted to encourage women to walk in their unique shoes (their purpose, life assignment, gifts).
I spoke on Cinderella when I flew to Canada to speak at Doreen Penner’s women’s retreat in Manitoba (and bought beautiful, new shoes to wear when speaking!).
Since then, Doreen has strongly encouraged me to delve deeper into the story and consider it as my “one talk.”
Jennifer got really excited about the whole idea, and immediately thought of the title The Power of Shoes.
This is why I surround myself with brilliant, creative people. They think for me.
Jennifer and I brainstormed about the talk. The wicked stepmother and stepsisters told Cinderella she couldn’t go to the ball like everyone else. She felt left behind, all alone. Have you ever felt like you were on the outside looking in at others?
You weren’t meant to fit in, but were created by God to STAND OUT ~ set apart by Him for a holy purpose! You were made to do great things!
No one could fit into Cinderella’s glass slippers but her. No one can fit into or walk in your shoes, either – no one else has your purpose, your spiritual gifts, your personality, your looks, your experiences, your intelligence, your story, what makes you uniquely you.
This “not fitting in and standing out for God’s purpose” could be my unique hook for speaking….with me wearing a funky Cinderella dress and shoes (boots!).
If you are an event planner or know someone who needs a women’s conference or retreat keynote speaker, contact me here. I’m now booking speaking events for 2014 and 2015.
(Shameless plug over now…)
Anyhoo, my friend knew I spoke, but it surprised me that she thought I was primarily a coach and an author!
Yes, I write books. I’m writing one now ~ Promises in the Dark. It is the most transparent, vulnerable book I’ve ever written, which is why I’ve had MAJOR resistance to writing it (I was supposed to finish it last year!). I.e., you hear about a lot of my bad stuff I’ve done! But it has a point!
If you haven’t heard about it, the book’s theme is God’s promises versus the world’s promises. The world promises you and me so much, but comes up empty and leaving us unsatisfied (and often hurt and filled with regret). God’s promises are true and forever. They fulfill you.
You can view the book trailer for it by clicking here.
And yes, I also coach clients. I’m working with 2 wonderful clients now!
But coaching is a way for me to use my spiritual gifts to help women discover their gifts, to tap into their creativity and great potential, and to succeed in business. It is also an additional income generating stream for my online biz.
But PRIMARILY, I am a speaker. And I love to travel. Combined together, this is my PASSION.
Speaking on a stage in front of a live audience and traveling are what makes me feel alive and energized. What makes you feel that way? Do you know?
I love looking into women’s faces as I speak to empower them, and encouraging their hearts. I love praying for them afterward, and if God is graceful to me, giving them a prophetic word from God to speak life into them and their troubling circumstances.
Urging them to come higher and step into God’s fullness for them. To display them for His glory.
I love when the anointing of God hits after I take the mic and then afterward, I am all empty, having been used by Him out of His utter mercy toward me…because it’s not about me anyway. God can use a donkey if He wants!
My constant prayer is, “Here, I am, Lord, send me” and “God, please, don’t let me flop…I can’t do this without you!” 🙂
I love studying His word, reading great books, and sharing with others the gems I’ve discovered. I love sharing the good news of my BFF, Jesus, how applicable and relevant and practical it still is in this post-modern, so independent world, and the powerful stories of what He’s done in mine and others’ lives.
I can’t even breathe without Him. He’s everything to me. And I have to tell, even if I stumble over my words and am not polished perfect. But I’m simply willing to go wherever He wants and open my mouth and glorify Him. And I think He likes that, because He knows I will ALWAYS POINT TO JESUS.
What’s funny about this speaking business is that years ago, I used to be scared to death to speak in front of people! Like most people. It’s the #2 fear among Americans.
So I am a speaker by default…and by divine assignment! God opened the door about 3 years ago for me to share my testimony at a woman’s Bible study. The director of the pro-life pregnancy center where I was a voluntary counselor was asked to speak there.
She was busy, so she recommended and volunteered me instead! When I got in front of that roomful of ladies, my whole body shook, I sweated profusely, and my voice quivered. I thought I was going to faint.
Then I got hooked on it. Now I LOVE IT! God has such a sense of humor ~ and uses the most unlikely of people.
Like me – a woman with a past, like the Samaritan woman at the well Jesus spoke to – and then He used her to turn the city inside out.
Turning my messes into messages of hope. Hope only Jesus can give.
So yea…if you didn’t know, I’m a speaker! If you need one, talk to me and let’s get this event booked! Email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com or contact me here.
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