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I love pizza


pepperoni pizza

I love pizza. Especially Pizza Hut’s hand-tossed pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. 

Our family has always had take-out pizza on a regular basis. It’s been a great back-up on the days that I forgot to lay something out to thaw for dinner, and when my family has asked at 6 or 7 p.m. as I’m pounding away on the laptop, “What’s for supper,” my standard response was, “Let’s just order a pizza.” 

Last year I began preparing Wildtree healthy, crockpot meals for our family, which has been a lifesaver. Mom Off Track travel blogger has a great, REAL, balanced post about Wildtree which you can read here

I had the privilege of doing the party alone with our two daughters Heather and Leah at Heather’s house, since she was a rep. Shopping for and prepping the meals does take a LOT of time, but to me, it’s so worth it!

This way my husband Ray, who loves to eat, has hot, healthy, delicious meals on the table at suppertime (or I bring them to his work) and I don’t have to cook for hours over a hot stove. You prepare the meals ahead of time, all at once, and freeze them for the week. 

This year I also began a radical lifestyle change in my eating habits and walking daily. On bad weather days, I do Stacy Cronin’s kickboxing video on Amazon on our Xbox downstairs in our rec room.

Since January 2015, I’ve lost 19 pounds. Since January 2014, I’ve lost 39 pounds! I still have a long way to go to reach my ideal weight, so please keep praying for my daily discipline.

Leah, Beth and Ray Jones at arch, St Louis

Me with our daughter Leah & my husband Ray in Saint Louis last year

Me in late January 2015

Me , January 2015

It’s so hard. For so long, I ate so much and ate the wrong (unhealthy) things. I think about food too much! My god was my belly. (Philippians 3:19)

Sometimes I really crave a pizza ~ or a big, greasy cheeseburger with french fries, Mexican rice, beans, chips and salsa, a big Sonic Coke at Happy Hour, and especially chocolate!

I finally decided recently that if I completely deprive myself of everything I love (like chocolate and other sweets), that one day I am just going to have a total meltdown and a big chocolate binge, eating pounds of it.

To avoid that, OCCASIONALLY I’m allowing myself a SMALL bite of chocolate, such as the Cheesecake Factory chocolate cheesecake that I had last night at our small group. I split a piece with my friend Liz. OMgosh, it tasted divine!

I believe God told me tiny bites occasionally of chocolate (or sweets) are okay, as long as I don’t do it a lot (such as several times a week, or even once a week – just indulging once in awhile). As our daughters Heather and Leah have been telling me lately, “Everything in moderation. It’s about balance, mom.”

Reese's Peanut Butter/Chocolate Cheesecake - Cheesecake Factory, Overland Park, KS

Reese’s Peanut Butter/Chocolate Cheesecake – Cheesecake Factory, Overland Park, KS

For me, it’s not about the weight loss (although that is a GREAT side benefit of my lifestyle change!), but about fitness and wellness in body, soul, and spirit.

It’s also about being healthy so I can fulfill God’s purpose for my life ~ speaking and writing books. Without our bodies, we can’t do what God is calling you and me to do! We need to take care of ourselves. You are worth it!

Mostly, my diet now consists of:

  • One or two eggs in the morning, prepared a variety of ways: an omelette, fried easy-over, scrambled.
  • A salad at lunch and supper with lots of veggies: romaine lettuce, kale or spinach greens, chopped celery, onion, and/or garlic, a sprinkling of raw, whole flaxseed, and either 1 tablespoon of fat-free Ranch dressing or 2 tablespoons of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Sometimes at supper time, I have one of the Wildtree crockpot meals with my family instead of a salad.
  • For a snack in the morning, I have a handful of almonds. In the afternoon, I have a handful of almonds and/or some type of fresh fruit ~ usually a plum, but sometimes strawberries, blackberries, kiwi fruit, or nectarine.
  • Sometimes, but not always, at night for a snack I have some almonds again. 
  • After our paydays, I usually go out to eat at the Mexican restaurant (fajitas, no rice, no beans, no chips and salsa, but with a salad) or The Flaming Lantern restaurant with our daughter Leah (I now usually order fish with salad). Ray and I have an occasional date night out at a restaurant. 
  • After breakfast, I enjoy a cup of hot green tea as I pray, read the Bible, and journal to start my day.
  • Throughout the day I push water. I have a tall, blue water bottle that I refill numerous times as I’m working through the day. I set a goal to get up at the very least once an hour, so I’m not sitting all day at my laptop (which is very unhealthy!). 
  • I walk daily for approximately 40-45 minutes at the track in town. On bad weather days, I do the kickboxing workout video. Eventually I hope to run a little as I build endurance and stamina, and I’d like to get through the entire video (without panting!). My goal is to walk at least two 5K’s this year. 

That’s what’s going on lately. Im part-way there and praying for God to help me to get “to the finish line” ~ my ideal weight and better health and fitness!

Beth Jones

Beth Jones
International Speaker/Author

How are you doing with your fitness/health goals this year? What are some of your fave healthy recipes?

Leave your comments below. 


Blog, Fitness, prayer, Speaking, Writing

Bacon wrapped pizza? Make a new good habit each week

I watched a webinar this week on losing weight and fitness. One of the things the instructor David said was the only way to lose weight was to make small changes at the right pace. We must change our HABITS.

Let’s face it, most of us would love to eat a piece of yellow or white cake with chocolate frosting – maybe SEVERAL BIG PIECES. The instructor David said you CAN control your thoughts, emotions, and desires.

Yellow cake with chocolate frosting

Yellow cake with chocolate frosting

Will that piece (or pieces) of chocolate cake help me with my goals and dreams – or hinder them? An occasional helping of chocolate cake might not hurt. Chocolate cake every single day, or even several times a week, might.

If you’re thinking, “But I’m addicted to chocolate. I love cake. I could eat chocolate cake every day for breakfast! I just can’t help myself,” well, I love it too, and could easily eat it every day for breakfast, too. But we have to challenge our false beliefs and views that lead to  disruptive behaviors – like eating chocolate cake a lot, not eating raw veggies and salads, and not exercising!

David said people fail at diets because they are just that – diets, not lifestyle changes. You have to change your habits. He encouraged the audience to make one habit change a week. For example, this week you could focus on having a healthy breakfast every day.

What's ahead for you in 2015?

What’s ahead for you in 2015?

He gave 5 pillars to establish new healthy, fitness habits:

1. Breakfast
2. Dinner
3. Lunch
4. Exercise
5. Snack

These look simple, and we’ve seen it before, right? But do you skip breakfast? I know I constantly did, before last year and especially this year. Your body has been fasting through the night and needs fuel for the day.

Some healthy breakfast options are:

*2 scrambled eggs or an omelette with spinach or kale, garlic, onion or 2 eggs prepared any way – with a small piece of fruit (not a banana!), a handful of almonds or a couple slices of bacon, sausage, or ham

*oatmeal (without the sugar – you can make your own healthy oatmeal with blueberries or other berries, a tiny bit of raw honey, wheat germ and/or flaxseed 

*low carb, low-sugar pancakes with low-carb, low-sugar syrup

The instructor suggested that for your main heavier meal, such as supper (dinner), you can eat salmon (or other fish) or chicken with veggies, and you can even include a little wine because it has heart and health benefits.

Foreman's grill

Foreman’s grill

One delightful new gadget I just bought is a Foreman’s Grill.

It’s compact, I don’t have to cook a long time over a hot stove with hot grease, and it cuts fat and calories. And the meats are tasty! It takes 10 minutes from grill to plate!

For lunches, you can choose healthy options instead of pizza, cheeseburgers and fries, or other fast or unhealthy, starchy, sugary foods, such as:

  • salads with raw veggies
  • a vegetable plate with hummus
  • low-carb wraps with meat and veggies
  • cottage cheese and fruit
  • leftovers from the night before, etc.

What is your favorite lunch? What are some ideas you have for lunches for your kids/teens/young adults? I’d love to hear them! It’s not always easy to think of healthy lunch ideas.

Eating healthy is so important, but what about exercise? I know, I hate the word, too! It’s SO hard not to be lazy and to be a couch potato (or a desk potato, in my case…sitting for hours at the laptop, working!).

David said a lot of people will buy a new exercise DVD and do it a couple of weeks, and then quit because they are bored or discouraged with the lack of “results.” They want to lose 20 pounds in the next 2 weeks and it just ain’t happenin’!

Bacon-wrapped deep dish pizza Little Caesar's Pizza photo

Bacon-wrapped deep dish pizza
Little Caesar’s Pizza photo

Or they will say, “Next week I’m starting to exercise!” as they gulp down fast food with a 42 oz. sugary drink, brownie drizzled with chocolate and Rocky Road chocolate ice cream, or the new Little Caesar’s 450-calories-a-slice, bacon-wrapped, heart-attack deep dish pizza.

I heard about it on KLove Radio. It has pepperoni, 3 1/2 feet of bacon wrapped around it, and bacon sprinkled on top!I’m sure it’s delicious (I LOVE bacon, one of the few pork things I do like), but OMGosh! 450 calories! And you know nobody will eat just one slice!



David encouraged the audience to do 10 minutes of cardio exercise three times a week, such as walking, aerobics, etc. If you want faster results, do more and for a longer period of time – but just don’t overdo it! (Medical Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor! Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program!)

You can also do strengthening exercises with your own body such as sit-ups, push-ups, etc. (I currently do the modified push-up and not that many!) You don’t have to get complicated – just do these exercises in your own home.

I’m still walking daily and on the days where it’s just too cold (it was 7 degrees this week – uh, NO, I am not walking in THAT cold of weather), I have a backup plan – a kickboxing video on Netflix that I do downstairs.



No excuses this year! It’s all about being healthy and fit so I can fulfill the purpose God has for me – to go where He wants me to speak and write, to minister, to do the mission He has called me (Ray and our family) to do.

What new habit do you need to do this week? Leave your comments below.

Blog, Faith, Fitness, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Time Management, Writing

A sacred place

Today is a beautiful, sunny day here in the Kansas City, MO area, although still cold. I went for my walk at the track, continuing to do it daily. As I shared with a friend recently, I don’t always want to walk, but my body (and soul and spirit) thanks me. I always feel so much better afterward.

Walking in the cold (as long as it’s not too cold) is exhilarating. Today I was inspired reading Katie’s blog, Runs for Cookies. Katie weighed 253 pounds, began running, and lost a bunch of weight and is fit and healthy today. My daughter Heather is my biggest inspiration for getting in shape and losing weight.

But it’s a challenge to exercise and eat healthy foods. Yeah, I’d much rather sit around at my laptop, watching a chic flic or reading, and eating chocolate. I’m also craving Sonic’s chicken strips, french fries, and honey mustard! But no. I have to make a choice.

I saw this sign by an insurance office in town. It’s so true. If you’re not being challenged, there’s not going to be any change!



It really comes down to our hearts. God recently revealed to me just how serious a problem I have with Coke® and food. They were an idol in my life.

God says in Deuteronomy 5:7, NASB, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” God wants me to crave Him, not Coke® and food. 



I’m completely off Coke® now. You have NO idea what a victory this is!!! It is HUGE!

I was addicted to them, and have been since childhood. I’ve quit drinking it numerous times, only to go back to it, like a heroin addict would return to heroin.

I wasn’t physically addicted to it, but emotionally. It was like a comfort food is to some people, who indulge in Ben & Jerry’s Salted Caramel Core ice cream, bread, doughnuts, or salty foods like chip and salsa (I love those, too!)

What I have found surprising is that I haven’t been craving the Coke® as much as chocolate! I. love. chocolate. Especially chocolate cake – yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Chocolate candy bars. Chocolate cupcakes. Ray could never go wrong bringing me home chocolate treats. Oh, how I love thee, chocolate!

Yellow cake with chocolate frosting

Yellow cake with chocolate frosting

Instead, I am eating lots of salads with fresh veggies and occasional fresh fruit. My breakfast is usually two eggs (scrambled, an omelette, or fried) sprinkled with fresh spinach, onion, raw whole flaxseed (it has amazing benefits), and sometimes cottage cheese or occasionally a couple slices of pepperoni or bacon.

Sometimes I eat the Wildtree healthy meals I’m preparing in the crockpot for Ray and Leah, depending on what it is. Almost EVERYTHING has high sodium and sugar in it (as well as preservatives, additives, food coloring, etc.). I’m reading labels carefully when grocery buying. It takes twice as long, but I believe it’s my responsibility as the homemaker -to myself and my family – to buy the healthiest foods possible.

That doesn’t mean we only eat sprouts, but it does mean paying attention to what we’re putting into our bodies. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Besides, who wants to be unhealthy?!

Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body. – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, The Message

I love that. A sacred place. Selah.

As I recently read somewhere, I can’t go all Carrie Nation on my family about this or they will rebel. Instead, I’m praying that my example will influence them to begin making healthier choices themselves…instead of eating Pringle’s potato chips while watching Star Trek.

man watching TV

man watching TV

Ultimately, me making this radical lifestyle change is all about being fit – spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have to be physically fit and healthy in order to pursue the calling that is on my life, to pursue my purpose of speaking and writing books.

Me, February 2015

Me, February 2015

I share more about this when I spoke on Linda M. Brown‘s radio show, Your Blueprint For Life. You can listen to the replay by clicking here. Please let me know what you think of this blog and the show with your comments below.