Today is a beautiful, sunny day here in the Kansas City, MO area, although still cold. I went for my walk at the track, continuing to do it daily. As I shared with a friend recently, I don’t always want to walk, but my body (and soul and spirit) thanks me. I always feel so much better afterward.
Walking in the cold (as long as it’s not too cold) is exhilarating. Today I was inspired reading Katie’s blog, Runs for Cookies. Katie weighed 253 pounds, began running, and lost a bunch of weight and is fit and healthy today. My daughter Heather is my biggest inspiration for getting in shape and losing weight.
But it’s a challenge to exercise and eat healthy foods. Yeah, I’d much rather sit around at my laptop, watching a chic flic or reading, and eating chocolate. I’m also craving Sonic’s chicken strips, french fries, and honey mustard! But no. I have to make a choice.
I saw this sign by an insurance office in town. It’s so true. If you’re not being challenged, there’s not going to be any change!

It really comes down to our hearts. God recently revealed to me just how serious a problem I have with Coke® and food. They were an idol in my life.
God says in Deuteronomy 5:7, NASB, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” God wants me to crave Him, not Coke® and food.

I’m completely off Coke® now. You have NO idea what a victory this is!!! It is HUGE!
I was addicted to them, and have been since childhood. I’ve quit drinking it numerous times, only to go back to it, like a heroin addict would return to heroin.
I wasn’t physically addicted to it, but emotionally. It was like a comfort food is to some people, who indulge in Ben & Jerry’s Salted Caramel Core ice cream, bread, doughnuts, or salty foods like chip and salsa (I love those, too!)
What I have found surprising is that I haven’t been craving the Coke® as much as chocolate! I. love. chocolate. Especially chocolate cake – yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Chocolate candy bars. Chocolate cupcakes. Ray could never go wrong bringing me home chocolate treats. Oh, how I love thee, chocolate!
Instead, I am eating lots of salads with fresh veggies and occasional fresh fruit. My breakfast is usually two eggs (scrambled, an omelette, or fried) sprinkled with fresh spinach, onion, raw whole flaxseed (it has amazing benefits), and sometimes cottage cheese or occasionally a couple slices of pepperoni or bacon.
Sometimes I eat the Wildtree healthy meals I’m preparing in the crockpot for Ray and Leah, depending on what it is. Almost EVERYTHING has high sodium and sugar in it (as well as preservatives, additives, food coloring, etc.). I’m reading labels carefully when grocery buying. It takes twice as long, but I believe it’s my responsibility as the homemaker -to myself and my family – to buy the healthiest foods possible.
That doesn’t mean we only eat sprouts, but it does mean paying attention to what we’re putting into our bodies. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Besides, who wants to be unhealthy?!
Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body. – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, The Message
I love that. A sacred place. Selah.
As I recently read somewhere, I can’t go all Carrie Nation on my family about this or they will rebel. Instead, I’m praying that my example will influence them to begin making healthier choices themselves…instead of eating Pringle’s potato chips while watching Star Trek.

Ultimately, me making this radical lifestyle change is all about being fit – spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have to be physically fit and healthy in order to pursue the calling that is on my life, to pursue my purpose of speaking and writing books.

I share more about this when I spoke on Linda M. Brown‘s radio show, Your Blueprint For Life. You can listen to the replay by clicking here. Please let me know what you think of this blog and the show with your comments below.
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