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My new Christmas Kindle eBook is ready now! Jesus is the KING!

I’m so excited! My new Christmas Kindle eBook is ready now!

It is called, He’s Not A Baby Anymore: Jesus Christ Is The KING!

He's Not A Baby Anymore: Jesus Christ is the KING!

My new Kindle eBook!

Its available on sale for only $3.99 at Amazon.

It will encourage you and me that Jesus Christ is the LORD. He is all-powerful, even over all the dark, scary things happening on the Earth right now.

The cover has an image of a roaring lion. He’s coming soon as the Lion of Judah and the King of Kings!

You can find out more about it at the link below:

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Facebook outage: Can we live without social media?

Yesterday when Facebook and its family of apps had an outrage that lasted for five hours, I didn’t know about it until it was around the time that Facebook and the other apps were restored. Why? Because I was busy living my life. The situation made me think back to the time of my life before Facebook was a thing.

What did I do before I joined Facebook? While I’ve had several part-time jobs during my marriage to Ray, I’ve mostly been a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. Below is a funny pic of Leah, Ray, and Heather when we went to Dunn’s Cider Mill for cider doughtnuts and for Heather to take Leah’s homeschooling senior pics with a good camera. That was fun!

At the cider mill with Leah, Ray, and Heather

At the cider mill with Leah, Ray, and Heather

Most of my days pre-Facebookwere spent teaching my daughters, cleaning the house (I used to be quite obsessive about this and Ray would complain that I bought more cleaning supplies than food), running errands, grocery shopping, reading, and journaling. 

Ray and I with our 3 beautiful daughters, Heather, Leah, & Eden

Ray and I with our 3 beautiful daughters, Heather, Leah, & Eden

The reason I even got online on the internet was because Ray encouraged me to get a website to sell my books and to promote myself as a speaker to get paid speaking gigs. In fact, most of my book sales and my bookings as a speaker have come by word of mouth and from Facebook. 

Beth Jones speaking

Beth Jones speaking

Later, I wanted to join Facebook to keep tabs on our 3 grown daughters and see what they’re up to! Now they’re hardly on there at all. Why? Because they are busy living THEIR lives! (I now resort to texting or calling them to see what they’re doing and have lunch or coffee with them, at least once every couple of weeks.)

Our granddaughters Violet & Annabelle at the Louisburg Cider Mill eating cider doughnuts and drinking apple cider

Our granddaughters Violet & Annabelle at the Louisburg Cider Mill eating cider doughnuts and drinking apple cider

Some younger people aren’t using Facebook at all. Millenials and Gen Zers are getting off Facebook and they’re going other places like Instagram and Snapchat. They’re doing this because of an influx of older people on there, competition from more mobile and visual-friendly platforms like Instagram, and Facebook’s privacy scandals. I know that our granddaughters Annabelle and Violet use Snapchat instead of Facebook. 

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Blog, Books, Business, Ebooks, Faith, Family, Fitness, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Time Management

5 tips to stay motivated to achieve this year’s dreams and goals


There are 156 days left until December 31, 2021 (22 weeks and 2 days). How are you doing on reaching your dreams and goals? What is stopping or hindering you?

Here are 5 tips to help you stay motivated for the rest of this year to achieve success.

Spend quiet time with God first thing. Whether that is the morning when you first wake up (perhaps with your coffee), during your lunch break, on a walk or run, or late at night before you go to sleep, take time to be alone with Jesus, praying, reading the Bible, and worship/praise so you can get His instructions and wisdom for you and those you love.

What is God’s priority for you today? Ask Him and then do that! Get quiet and intently listen to His still, small voice. Let Him be your GPS and your motivator for your life and to help you succeed in your dreams and goals. 

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