There are 156 days left until December 31, 2021 (22 weeks and 2 days). How are you doing on reaching your dreams and goals? What is stopping or hindering you?
Here are 5 tips to help you stay motivated for the rest of this year to achieve success.
Spend quiet time with God first thing. Whether that is the morning when you first wake up (perhaps with your coffee), during your lunch break, on a walk or run, or late at night before you go to sleep, take time to be alone with Jesus, praying, reading the Bible, and worship/praise so you can get His instructions and wisdom for you and those you love.
What is God’s priority for you today? Ask Him and then do that! Get quiet and intently listen to His still, small voice. Let Him be your GPS and your motivator for your life and to help you succeed in your dreams and goals.Â

Use a calendar at a glance. Whether that is a desk calendar/planner (I use the Happy Planner; you can also get cute stickers and office supplies) or a large whiteboard calendar, this will help you to see your year, month, and week with an overall view to help you plan more effectively. Seeing your dreams and goals in black and white in front of you will help you to stay focused and on track. I truly believe that actually writing things down helps us to achieve them.
“No matter who you are or what youâve accomplished, motivation doesnât last. Youâll notice yourself pumped up and energetic in sporadic periods only to sink back into a rabbit hole of self-doubt and hesitation a few days later. Even if you have the strongest and most relevant of goals, you need to write things down in order to maintain your resolve and remind yourself of your purpose on a regular basis. Whether you have them listed in your phone, stuck on the fridge, taped to your mirror, or jotted down in your planner, itâs best to keep your goals visible as a constant reminder.” –Tet, 8 Powerful Benefits of Writing Things Down, Productive and Free,

Create a daily to-do list~ and check things off! I confess that I’m a bit obsessive about this. It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment to check off items each day. I also believe the adage, “Aim at nothing; hit nothing.” Writing and completing a to-do list is motivating and fulfilling.
 âPeople donât take anything seriously until itâs written down and becomes an actual part of their daily schedule. It might take you some time to get there but once that becomes a habit, youâll end up getting all that you planned done simply because itâs part of your to-do list for the day.â â Jim Kwik
We also need to know when to just pull back to spend time alone or with family and friends, or to simply rest and refill. Learn how to balance things in your life and in your biz.Â
Reward yourself for getting things done. I believe this is crucial. You and I work hard and it should pay off. The Bible backs this up, too.
“For the Scripture says, âYou must not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain.â And in another place, âThose who work deserve their pay!â (1 Timothy 5:18, NLT)

Some things you can do to reward yourself are:
- new walking/running shoes or sports wear (a tank or t-shirt, shorts, ear buds, etc.);
- watching a chic flic with snacks and drinks;
- buying/reading a new book, listening to an audio book or a new podcast;
- eating chips and salsa, chocolate (good for the soul!), or an ice cream cone (in moderation);
- lunch or coffee with a friend;
- buying a “techie” gadget;
- enjoying a hot bubble bath or a massage;
- shopping for a new outfit, shoes ,and/or jewelry;
- visiting a new, fun place.Â
For myself, walking regularly and eating healthy are a reward in themselves. I don’t need to do anything other than experience the good feeling of getting my walk in that day or eating a big salad with fresh veggies, and I feel accomplished.

Image resource: Wikipedia
On the days I don’t make it to the track or exercise (or if I eat junk!), I don’t beat myself up for it. As Scarlet O’Hara said, “After all, tomorrow is another day!’ God’s mercies are new each morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23) I can just pick up where I left off and keep moving forward.
Hiring a coach, asking prayer partners and/or intercessors to pray for you, and staying accountable for achieving your dreams and goals with an accountability partner, a mastermind group, and/or a support group or community is another way to stay motivated.

We can’t be an island unto ourselves, laying on a hammock alone as a recluse all day long or hiding behind our laptops. We need Jesus and each other to help us walk this challenging but exciting adventure called life and to succeed in business. We need God beckoning us higher to fulfill our greatest potential and other people surrounding us, who won’t just tickle our ears but will speak the truth in love to us–and yes, call us out when we need it!
My business coach Diane Cunningham Ellis has often called me out for “hiding” on social media, exhorting me to “show up” more, to share the gifts which God has given me for His glory and to help others. This encourages me to stretch myself in faith (past my comfort zone!) and not be lazy, so that one day I will hear those beautiful words from God, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:23)
I love the quote by Erma Bombeck:
âWhen I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything You gave me.â

What are some ways you can motivate yourself to achieve your dreams and your goals for 2021? Please leave your comments below.
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