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Blog, Books, Ebooks, Faith, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

3 tips for book/eBook covers to draw more readers. And revealing my new fiction book’s cover!

On today’s Facebook Live video, I accidentally cut it off at the end. So I re-recorded the video, 3 Tips for book/eBook covers to draw more readers. And I revealed the cover of my new fiction book and its title that I’m working on right now!

You can watch the video which I recorded on Zoom and uploaded to YouTube here at the link below:

How the idea for the book came about

One day in my business coach Diane Cunningham Ellis’ Inspired Business Academy (IBA) training class, she mentioned the video game Tetris. Believe it or not, I’d never heard of it before or played it. It is a video game created by Russian software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984 for the Electronika 60 computer. 

Tetris game. Image source: Unsplash. Hello I'm Nik.

Tetris game. Image source: Unsplash. Hello I’m Nik.

When Diane explained its concept, I immediately thought, “That is a new book idea!”

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Blog, Business, Coaching, Faith, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Writing

Conquer the 3 P’s mini-training (procrastination, perfectionism, and other pitfalls)

I’m not a procrastinator, but I have family members who are. Drives me crazy! 

However, I do struggle with perfectionism. I call perfectionism “procrastination dressed up in high heels.” Both are usually rooted in fear. Fear of being “good enough” or “perfect enough.” No one is perfect but Jesus!

There’s another “P” word. Pitfalls. What are these? Things like scrolling on social media too much, busyness, laziness, cleaning the house, organizing, errands to run, or anything that serves as a distraction to stop you from doing what God has called and anointed you to do and to be.

There’s nothing wrong or sinful about these things. But they can sabotage your success and mine.

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Blog, Faith, prayer

We need hope

The death toll has now risen to 9 dead, and the people of the USA and even the world are anxiously waiting news for a miracle of survivors from the tragic Champlain Towers condominium collapse in Miami, Florida. Survivors and their family members of the USA’s 9-11 attack grimly remember that horrifying day as they watch the news about the condo. In the midst of this new tragedy, we’re also dealing with the Coronavirus (and the Delta variant), outbreaks driving some places back under new lockdowns, and other frightening news like the  extreme heat wave across the western United States.

It seems like there is so much bad news now, which is why I rarely even read it any more. I read just enough every few days to know what is going on in the world for prayer/intercessory purposes. 


We need GOOD NEWS and HOPE.

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