On today’s Facebook Live video, I accidentally cut it off at the end. So I re-recorded the video, 3 Tips for book/eBook covers to draw more readers. And I revealed the cover of my new fiction book and its title that I’m working on right now!
You can watch the video which I recorded on Zoom and uploaded to YouTube here at the link below:
How the idea for the book came about
One day in my business coach Diane Cunningham Ellis’ Inspired Business Academy (IBA) training class, she mentioned the video game Tetris. Believe it or not, I’d never heard of it before or played it. It is a video game created by Russian software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984 for the Electronika 60 computer.

When Diane explained its concept, I immediately thought, “That is a new book idea!”
Tetris is about creating order out of chaos, the way God does in our lives. You try to get all the colored falling blocks to fill empty space in a line at the bottom of the screen and win points. You can move and rotate the colored blocks. It isn’t easy. It’s challenging, but fun!
My book’s theme is about alignment to God’s will and His purpose for our lives. This isn’t easy, either. Everything in life doesn’t fall into neat, straight lines–even when you are a Christian believer.

I downloaded the game Tetris on my iPhone and began playing it to see how it worked. (I don’t usually play video or Facebook games!) I also asked my former editor/publisher Hanne Moon if I could use the name of the game in a new book title. She said no; the company could sue me and come after me with a “Cease and Desist.” Um, no!
So I asked my husband Ray to help me think of a substitute name/title for this intriguing book idea. He thought a minute and then said, “The Game Blocks of Life.” I liked it and am going with it!

Our daughter Leah graduated earlier this year from college, earning a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Graphic Design. I asked her if she would be willing to design my new eBook’s cover. She said yes. I immediately hired her and am paying her for this. I bought the image from Istock. I like the fact that the royal blue block on the right side resembles a cross. Leah designed the cover and I love it! It includes all 3 of the tips that I shared in today’s video.
This is my new book cover, which Leah designed:

Book Cover Design Copyright 2021 Leah Merae Jones
Leah designs book covers, logos, and more. You can find out more about her and her graphic design work at her website here below:
So far, I’ve written over 18,000 words on this new fiction book.
What are you working on right now in your speaking and writing? You have a unique and powerful message to share that the world needs to hear!
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