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Jesus Christ

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New shoes

This year I am making my health and fitness a priority again, so I’m walking at the track and a pretty path in town, eating healthier, and  not drinking Dr. Pepper (a big challenge!). Yesterday I got to the track later and it began raining. It had rained on and off all day yesterday. At one point in the afternoon, there was sunshine so I sat outside awhile to soak up Vitamin D. 

Before I went to the track, I had been “voxing” (Voxer app, like a walkie-talkie/text app for both iPhones and Androids) with my biz coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis. She was talking to me about my Nike shoes, which have been great walking shoes, but are several years old. Diane used to run marathons, 10K’s, and 5K’s. 

woman runner

woman runner

Diane said that I needed to buy new ones with the best support and fit, and suggested that I google for a local running shoes store, where the staff helps you find shoes with the best fit and support. They actually watch you walk as you try on different shoes, to examine your gait, etc. 

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Blog, Business, Coaching, Ebooks, Faith, Family, Fitness, Friendship, Homemaking, Marriage, Parenting, Podcast, prayer, Speaking, Spiritual Gifts, Time Management, Travel, Writing

Do you have a “one word” yet for 2021? Here is mine.


Do you have a “one word” yet for 2021? I started doing this a few years ago, to set a “theme” and a focus for the whole year, instead of making New Year’s resolutions (which were usually broken before January was over!). 

It seems the “one word” comes as I’m just going about my day, doing routine things or praying. I ask God for the word that HE desires for me. I’m always tested on the word by God!

Photo Source: Arisa Cattusa.

At the end of December 2019, I received the word, “hope,” for 2020. At the time I didn’t understand why God gave me that specific word. Now I get it, looking back over the crazy, chaotic, fearful year of 2020. Every day, I needed to have hope in Jesus!

As I’ve been praying the last few days to prepare for 2021, I’ve received an impression or what I call “a nudge from God” of the word “steward.” It is a serious word. 

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Blog, Faith, Family, Parenting, prayer, Spiritual Gifts, Travel

Are you using your spiritual gifts for Jesus’ glory? Hawaiian party and Zoom event

Pineapple centerpiece

Pineapple centerpiece

Yesterday I visited my beautiful, precious daughter Heather and our grandkids Annabelle and Violet, and Heather’s fiance’s children Kayden and Eian. I bought Hawaiian-themed decorations and pepperoni pizza, chocolate cupcakes, and gifts for a “Back to school” little party. I was so happy to see and hug them. It was fun. They enjoyed it and they all thanked me.

Hawaiian-themed decorations

Hawaiian-themed decorations

Work that crown napkins

Work that crown napkins

chocolate cupcakes

chocolate cupcakes

HyVee grocery store only had “Happy Birthday” cupcakes, with the Frozen movie theme, but they were chocolate, so I bought them. They were delicious and the kids loved them!

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