This year I am making my health and fitness a priority again, so I’m walking at the track and a pretty path in town, eating healthier, and not drinking Dr. Pepper (a big challenge!). Yesterday I got to the track later and it began raining. It had rained on and off all day yesterday. At one point in the afternoon, there was sunshine so I sat outside awhile to soak up Vitamin D.
Before I went to the track, I had been “voxing” (Voxer app, like a walkie-talkie/text app for both iPhones and Androids) with my biz coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis. She was talking to me about my Nike shoes, which have been great walking shoes, but are several years old. Diane used to run marathons, 10K’s, and 5K’s.

Diane said that I needed to buy new ones with the best support and fit, and suggested that I google for a local running shoes store, where the staff helps you find shoes with the best fit and support. They actually watch you walk as you try on different shoes, to examine your gait, etc.
The conversation made me think about shoes. The importance of shoes, your feet, and your toes. About 1 1/2 years ago, an emergency alert went off in the middle of the night on my phone with the news of a local flood warning. I had fallen asleep in the dark on our love seat in the front entry room, jumped up to see if there was rising water outside (no!), and banged my left toes and foot hard on our daughter Leah’s hope chest in the process of getting up so fast.
It was painful, and over the next few days, I wondered if I had broken my toe(s). My middle toe was bent (curved to the left), very swollen, and it turned black and blue from bruising. The pic below was before it swelled and bruised the following days. One friend, Jennifer Petersen, joked to look on the bright side: my toenail polish was sure pretty!

My husband Ray, a paramedic, and friends on Facebook advised getting a toe bandage to “buddy wrap” the hurt toe with one of the toes next to it. I had never seen this before, but it sure did help, as well as icing it and elevating my feet and staying off of them.

This was difficult as I am busy and had things to do! God taught me during this time about the verse, Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.” To rest and to trust in Him. To do what is important and really matters, not having my life ruled by the tyranny of the urgent.
I don’t think I broke it, but sprained it. My toes are still healing from this accident, and feel tender as I walk. Diane told me last year that our bodies have a wonderful way of healing themselves with care, and that God would help me to walk again. I received that prophetic word, and I’m walking again! Praise Jesus!
The goal right now is simply for me to re-establish a habit of walking, at least 3 to 4 times a week, and more is better. I’m not running a marathon or going for a 10K or even a 5K race (although I have completed two 5K races, and hope to do this again one day!). For now, this is about rebuilding a great habit—exercising to move my body to get fit and healthier.

Like I said, when I went to the track yesterday, it started raining and I got quite wet. I can handle sprinkles and maybe even some heavier rain, but not lightning! I was thankful it did not storm. I was more concerned with my iPhone getting too wet! I use it to play music as I walk. I pray and think. It’s a time of refilling and strengthening for me.

Getting to the track before dark was one hurdle. The rain was another. There’s always going to be obstacles in our way when we have set goals. The enemy Satan wants to sabotage us and our God-designed purpose. We have to make a decision each day to keep going and overcome the obstacles.

As Diane and I “voxed” about me needing to buy new, good walking/running shoes, I reflected on my shoes. I’ve had these Nikes a long time. They have given me good support. They have taken me many places. Places I dreamed of going. Places where God sent me for His purpose and glory. Canada. The Bahamas. Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Kenya, Africa. Ireland. Florida. Georgia. New Mexico. Arizona. Guatemala.

Where have your shoes taken you? Will you obey and go where God sends you? It may be to your grown child’s house to have coffee or eat lunch with her or him. It may be to the restaurant with your spouse for “Taco Tuesday.” It may be a neighbor’s house to bring the tax stimulus check that the postman accidentally put in your mailbox (this happened to me and my neighbor was so happy I brought this good news!). It may be to bring a single mom and her children a week’s worth of groceries. It may be to another country to pray for the indigenous people in extreme poverty there. It may be to speak or preach somewhere, sharing your testimony and the miracles that God has done in your life.
I want to go places where I’ve never been before. It’s time for some good, new shoes.
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